Diesen Abend wurde auf PokerStars die 90-milliardste Hand gedealt. Zugeschlagen hat der RNG diesmal auf einem NL200-6-Max-Tisch und über $220k wurden in dieser einen Hand ausgespielt.
Über die letzten Tage brummten die Tische auf PokerStars und in den Nachmittagsstunden dieses Donnerstags ging es auf die 90-milliardste Hand zu. Über eine Viertelmillion Spieler tummelten sich an den Tischen, um einen Anteil der massiven Promo abzubekommen.
Die Milestone-Hand wurde um kurz nach 18:00 Uhr an einem NL200-Tisch gegeben. Alle Spielen waren – wie üblich bei den Milestone-Händen – All-In und am Ende gewann m1sspiggy mit 7 4 und zwei Paaren den Haupt-Pot und nahm über $65k Milestone-Bonus mit.
Mit Kud3 saß auch ein Deutscher am Tisch, der zunächst ankündigte, er werde jetzt eine Menge Bier trinken und nachdem man ihm mitteilte, dass er $32.190 gewonnen hatte, erklärte: “ich kauf karlsberg leer”. Na dann Prost!
Hier die sechs Gewinner der
carambaWOW | $14.470 |
SHUR43 | $31.790 |
Kud3 | $32.190 |
Balázska87 | $36.370 |
guss23778 | $48.130 |
m1sspiggy | $66.380 |
Insgesamt hat PokerStars in der Promo über eine Million Dollar ausgespielt und auf dem Weg zur 100 Milliarden werden noch ein paar Millionen dazukommen. Es steht zu erwarten, dass diese im Frühling 2013 gedealt wird.
Dealer: Congratulations, you have been dealt into Milestone Hand #90,000,000,000!
Dealer: We have paused the dealing to allow for spectators to find the table and watch the hand. A host will be with you shortly to restart the dealing and make the prize payouts. This will take approximately one minute.
Dealer: The winner of the hand will have their Milestone Hand prize money doubled!
talonchick [TeamOnline]: wowoowowow well done players!!! You are the lucky ones that have been dealt in to the 90 BILLIONTH HAND!
HostSteveC [Host]: congratulations players!
Administrator: Milestone Hand #90000000000 is about to be dealt at Table Ornamenta Hold’em NL USD 1/2 !
carambaWOW: sick
talonchick [TeamOnline]: What does this mean??? For starters, you are all GUARANTEED 10K….now say cheese while I take your picture!!!!
Balázska87: wow
jomane [TeamPro]: Congrats guys!!
HostMickP [Commentator]: 90 billion! Congrats guys!
Kud3: itts my first
Richard Toth [TeamPro]: congrats fellas, its the 90th billion hand here on Pokerstars!!!
guss23778: :)
m1sspiggy: bzzzz
HostSteveC [Host]: you pocked a good one to hit :-)
HostSteveC [Host]: picked, even
HostPauloE [Commentator]: amazing!!! congrats everyone!
talonchick [TeamOnline]: Six different countries represented!!!! Congrats…just a quick check….everyone here ;)
Money800 [TeamPro]: Congrats everyone
MktgSteveD [Host]: Congratulations!
m1sspiggy: buzzing
talonchick [TeamOnline]: So you know…..on top of the $10,000 you are guaranteedyou will get $1000 for every VPP you’ve earned in the last 50 hands at that table, including the mega milestone hand!!! I hope you were playing lots of pots this hour!
talonchick [TeamOnline]: Even better is that the winner of this hand will get their prize doubled!!!!
Raymond Wu [TeamPro]: wow congrats everyone!
talonchick [TeamOnline]: If you have anything to say for the PokerStars blog writers, they are never too far away when things like this are going on!
Liv Boeree [TeamPro]: congrats guys!!!
HostFelixC [Support]: Wow, congratulations luckers!!! =D
carambaWOW: lets limp guys
HostDanieliJ [Commentator]: yeah, congrats ;)
m1sspiggy: lol
sirfreddy83 [TeamOnline]: congrats guys!!!!!!!!!
HostFedericO [Commentator]: Very nice gl to all !!!
m1sspiggy: how tight r u
innerpsy [TeamOnline]: Congrats :)
Raymond Wu [TeamPro]: i envy u guys!
Money800 [TeamPro]: happy for all you guys
talonchick [TeamOnline]: haha caramba…..you get that you are guaranteed $10,000 right?
Raymond Wu [TeamPro]: GL everyone
carambaWOW: y
talonchick [TeamOnline]: How will you spend that money!!
carambaWOW: not sure :o
talonchick [TeamOnline]: PCA is coming up….
talonchick [TeamOnline]: SHUR43….are you shocked into silence or require a translator?
Money800 [TeamPro]: would be sick rollover
talonchick [TeamOnline]: Moneymaker esque?
SHUR43: yes))) i am shocked))))
talonchick [TeamOnline]: congrats! we have translators available if anyone is uncertain as to what is going on
Money800 [TeamPro]: better, i over paid for mine compartably
innerpsy [TeamOnline]: was sitting with half of you guys on other tables damn :))
talonchick [TeamOnline]: About two minutes until we start it up everyone….any last words?
carambaWOW: lets go
carambaWOW: :o
m1sspiggy: pay me
talonchick [TeamOnline]: who has been at the table the longest?
m1sspiggy: dunno
carambaWOW: i got 180hands
m1sspiggy: mine says
m1sspiggy: 62k
m1sspiggy: for max
m1sspiggy: 300 hands for me
Kud3: dealt it
Kud3: and let me win
Kud3: gogogo
Kud3: have to go to drink alloooooooooooooot of bier
carambaWOW: btw i got aces fold guys
Kud3: beer
Kud3: !!
carambaWOW: save ur 1bi
talonchick [TeamOnline]: excellent! It all varies of course based on how many of the last 50 hands you have played (incl. this one)
m1sspiggy: do we get teh figure on the right?
m1sspiggy: definetly
talonchick [TeamOnline]: sounds good Kud….let’s get this started! There is beer on the line!
m1sspiggy: and the one on left if we win
talonchick [TeamOnline]: German beer no less!
Administrator: Milestone Hand #90000000000 is about to be dealt at Table Ornamenta Hold’em NL USD 1/2 !
talonchick [TeamOnline]: or we could chat more if you would like?
m1sspiggy: go
talonchick [TeamOnline]: ;) Let’s go!!!! GL players
talonchick [TeamOnline]: hmmmm no folds…..well played
Dealer: Balázska87 has high card Ace
Dealer: Hand #90000000000 Balázska87 wins side pot-4 ($234.22) with high card Ace
Dealer: Kud3 has a pair of Fives
Dealer: Hand #90000000000 Kud3 wins side pot-3 ($184.29) with a pair of Fives
Dealer: SHUR43 has a pair of Nines
Dealer: Hand #90000000000 SHUR43 wins side pot-2 ($50.04) with a pair of Nines
Dealer: m1sspiggy has two pair, Sevens and Fours
Dealer: Hand #90000000000 m1sspiggy wins side pot-1 ($23) with two pair, Sevens and Fours
Dealer: Hand #90000000000 m1sspiggy wins main pot ($1,197.20) with two pair, Sevens and Fours
Kud3: mbn
Kud3: box
Kud3: :P
Raymond Wu [TeamPro]: siiick
talonchick [TeamOnline]: 4d7d is my absolute favorite hand!!!!!
m1sspiggy: what a buzz
Raymond Wu [TeamPro]: that works!
talonchick [TeamOnline]: massive congrats m1sspiggy!!!!!! Everyone else also!
Money800 [TeamPro]: the ol 4 7
Raymond Wu [TeamPro]: congrats everyone!
m1sspiggy: thanks
m1sspiggy: 5 10 here i come lol
talonchick [TeamOnline]: Give me a moment and I will come back the actual value of your prizes!!!!
Money800 [TeamPro]: congrats all you guys especially miss piggy
Richard Toth [TeamPro]: congrats guys once again!
Money800 [TeamPro]: well played post flop
Balázska87: thx
talonchick [TeamOnline]: Great news is that each of you played all 50 hands leading up to the MILESTONE hand so now your totals will vary based on VPP accrual
talonchick [TeamOnline]: going from lowest to highest, these are your prizes!
talonchick [TeamOnline]: carambaWOW a fairly nitty 4.77 VPPs for a prize of $14,770!
talonchick [TeamOnline]: SHUR43, our near silent Russian friend, earned 22.19 VPPs for a prize of $32, 190
talonchick [TeamOnline]: Kud3 with 22.19 VPPs for a prize of $32,190….or a few cases of German beer
Kud3: yeahaaaaaaaaaa
talonchick [TeamOnline]: Balázska87 earned 26.37 VPPs for $36,370
Kud3: ich kauf karlsberg leer
Balázska87: weeee
SHUR43: eeee thanks))) i go drink)))))
talonchick [TeamOnline]: there are some members of team online who like beer (not me for the record)
Balázska87: gg gl all
talonchick [TeamOnline]: Ahhhhhh SHUR I am sorry
talonchick [TeamOnline]: I mistyped, you earned 21.79 VPPs and get $31,190
SHUR43: ???
SHUR43: ok ) no problem)
talonchick [TeamOnline]: $31,790 rather!
talonchick [TeamOnline]: numbers this big make my eyes go funny I guess!
talonchick [TeamOnline]: alright back on track
innerpsy [TeamOnline]: get it together, talonchik :)
talonchick [TeamOnline]: then we have guss23778 is the lag with 38.13 VPPs and a prize of $48,130
Raymond Wu [TeamPro]: pays to be a lag for sure
talonchick [TeamOnline]: last but not least, m1sspiggy you have your prize doubled!
m1sspiggy: buzz
m1sspiggy: thanks
talonchick [TeamOnline]: you earned earned 23.19 VPPs, but gets the prize money doubled for winning the hand. A total of $66,380
m1sspiggy: ha
Money800 [TeamPro]: gl on 5-10 piggy
guss23778: omgg
talonchick [TeamOnline]: A wonderful day at the $1/$2 tables I am sure…..
guss23778: is this for real
Raymond Wu [TeamPro]: how about 25-50
Raymond Wu [TeamPro]: or some plo :)
talonchick [TeamOnline]: Congrats to you all! Stay away from Raymond!!!!
Raymond Wu [TeamPro]: lol
m1sspiggy: think im done guys, not really feeling the grind after that
m1sspiggy: bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Money800 [TeamPro]: pretty good session
talonchick [TeamOnline]: The lead up to this 90 BN hand was very expensive to PokerStars…..they have awarded over $1.1 MILLION in milestones
m1sspiggy: we all get lucky one time hey money800 :D
Money800 [TeamPro]: yes sir
Money800 [TeamPro]: sometimes more than once
talonchick [TeamOnline]: All working towards the 100th BN hand dealt….won’t be long now!
m1sspiggy: thanks stars
m1sspiggy: can i go?
talonchick [TeamOnline]: If I was to take a gamble….I would guess the 100BN hand will arrive sometime in May… :)
talonchick [TeamOnline]: preceeded by the 95th BN hand in February….just in time to get your Valentines something shiny! :)
talonchick [TeamOnline]: Alright you six, we will start dealing again!!! Enjoy your Thursday!
talonchick [TeamOnline]: The railbirds will be back with their commentary in about 30 seconds too….
talonchick [TeamOnline]: the chat will be filled with envy!
Dieser Artikel erschien auf PokerOlymp am 29.11.2012.