Der russische Low-Stakes Grinder maratik gewinnt das Main-Event der WCOOP 2012 und die zuvor von ihm geforderten eine Million Dollar.
9,1 Millionen Dollar Preisgeld, 1.825 Spieler, 5.200 Dollar Buy-In, über 1,6 Millionen Dollar für den ersten Platz – die Zahlen des Main-Events der WCOOP muss man sich auf der Zunge zergehen lassen.
Das Main-Event war, gemessen am Preispool eines eines der größten Online-Turniere überhaupt. Die WCOOP 2010 war zwar ein Stück weit größer, aber das war auch noch vor dem Schwarzen Freitag.
An den Final-Table schaffte es unter anderem Phil “takechip” D’Auteuil. Allerdings war dort auf Platz 8 Schluss für ihn – dafür gab’s “nur” $136k Preisgeld.
Der Deal
Zu sechst einigten die Spieler sich schließlich darauf, zu versuchen einen Deal auszuhandeln. Unter den verbliebenen Spielern war mit FOO-92 noch ein Deutscher, doch hatte dieser die wenigsten Chips. Die meisten Chips hatte Mike munchenHB Telker, Online-Profi und Gewinner eines FTOPS-Turniers 2011.
Mit diesen Counts ging es in die Verhandlungen:
munchenHB | 9.888.167 |
maratik | 9.227.200 |
Jossel2008 | 6.845.078 |
TheCart3r | 4.228.322 |
sly caveat | 3.513.413 |
FOO-92 | 2.704.820 |
Es dauerte fast eine Stunde, bis es tatsächlich zu einem Deal kam und den Vogel schoss während der Verhandlungen der Russe maratik ab, der zunächst klarstellte, dass er kein englisch spreche, einen “Russian Interpreter” verlangte und dann forderte: “I wont million”. Qualifiziert für das Turnier hatte sich maratik übrigens über ein 100-FPP-Turnier.
Mike Telker war schließlich jedoch der einzige, der darauf beharrte, eine siebenstellige Summe garantiert zu bekommen. Dabei nutzte er eiskalt aus, dass insbesondere der Shortstack FOO-92 unbedingt einen ICM-Deal machen wollte. Die gesamten Verhandlungen sind unten aufgeführt.
Schlussendlich einigte man sich auf einen Deal, der dicht am ICM dran war und ließ 100k auf dem Tisch für den Sieger.
Die letzten Hände
Nach dem Neu-Start verabschiedete sich recht fix der Deutsche. Es folgte der Portugiese sly caveat und nachdem er mit 2nd-Pair in ein Full House rannte, musste auch der vormalige Chipleader, munchenHB gehen. So kann er froh über den Deal sein, denn regulär hätte es für seinen vierten Platz nur etwas über $500k gegeben.
Im Heads-Up saßen sich schließlich TheCard3r und der “I wont million”-Russe maratik gegenüber. Der Kanadier TheCard3r hatte eine 4:1 Führung aber nachdem maratik mehrere große Hände gewann (unter anderem mit einem Flush gegen ein Set) war es auf einmal ausgeglichen. Tatsächlich traf der Russe im Anschluss links und rechts seine Flops und hatte seinen Gegner nach etwa 20 Händen auf 20 Big Blinds hinabgespielt. Davon konnte sich TheCard3r nicht mehr erholen und nach einigen weiteren Händen stand schließlich maratik als Sieger des Main-Events der WCOOP 2012 fest.
“I wont million” – er hat die Million bekommen. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Endergebnis Final-Table WCOOP Main-Event:
1. | maratik | $1.000.000 |
2. | TheCard3r | $663.000 |
3. | Jossel2008 | $815.000 |
4. | munchenHB | $1.000.000 |
5. | sly caveat | $602.000 |
6. | FOO-91 | $503.000 |
7. | Kakalala | $183.000 |
8. | takechip | $137.000 |
9. | mitdadu | $91.000 |
Chatlog Deal
shaniac [TeamOnline]: we’ll have some numbers to look at in a moment
maratik: hi
shaniac [TeamOnline]: numbers are comin’ up
HostJosephP (Administrator): munchenHB $1,058,807.76
HostJosephP (Administrator): maratik $1,004,684.30
HostJosephP (Administrator): Jossel2008 $809,623.59
HostJosephP (Administrator): TheCart3r $602,965.14
HostJosephP (Administrator): sly caveat $536,809.29
HostJosephP (Administrator): FOO-92 $470,597.42
HostJosephP (Administrator): Left To Play for place 1 $100,000.00
shaniac [TeamOnline]: “If you would like to accept the above numbers, type ‘I AGREE’”
TheCart3r: can we please see ICM numbers
munchenHB: no
shaniac [TeamOnline]: yes we can
shaniac [TeamOnline]: oh
munchenHB: i want more
maratik: no ICM
FOO-92: with ICM u get 975k munch …
munchenHB: 1.25
TheCart3r: how much do you want munch?
Jossel2008: i want icm too .
TheCart3r: lets see ICM and then go from there
munchenHB: maratik can come off some
maratik: sorry. not englsh
munchenHB: maratik 800k for you?
FOO-92: Is teh admin calculating?
shaniac [TeamOnline]: we can present ICM calcs if everyone wants to see them
FOO-92: yes pls
munchenHB: thats fine if i get 1.25
TheCart3r: yup
maratik: no
maratik: i wont million
shaniac [TeamOnline]: well munchen, should we just see the other set of number as a way of moving forward?
munchenHB: give me 25k each
munchenHB: from chip cop
munchenHB: chop
TheCart3r: my # is $675k
FOO-92: i get 540k on ICM, Cart is correct with his number
FOO-92: without the clawback foir 1st
FOO-92: I doubt u will get 1,25 munchen
munchenHB: just put up some money to first at least
munchenHB: ill take the chip chop
munchenHB: more money*
FOO-92: u get 1m max I think, dont be greedy, there is no need
munchenHB: 25k each more from our numbers for first
FOO-92: sounds good, but ICM numbers …
munchenHB: no
munchenHB: lets just run the chip chop… lowest offer
maratik: please invite russion interpreter
TheCart3r: maratik will you give me 75k from your number to get me to my 675?
munchenHB: come on carter
munchenHB: grow up the guy wants his mil, lets just do chip chops
TheCart3r: will you give me 75k?
FOO-92: what u mean with chip chops?
munchenHB: the numbers they displayed
maratik: i want million
FOO-92: ah ok, found it
munchenHB: you get million
TheCart3r: remember those numbers include 100k to first
munchenHB: everyone agree?
shaniac [TeamOnline]: we’re going to re-show the numbers, so we are all clear what’s being proposed
HostJosephP (Administrator): munchenHB $1,058,807.76
HostJosephP (Administrator): maratik $1,004,684.30
HostJosephP (Administrator): Jossel2008 $809,623.59
HostJosephP (Administrator): TheCart3r $602,965.14
HostJosephP (Administrator): sly caveat $536,809.29
HostJosephP (Administrator): FOO-92 $470,597.42
HostJosephP (Administrator): Left To Play for place 1 $100,000.00
sly caveat: sorry, no
Jossel2008: u said ud show icm numbers no?
maratik: ok my million and i agree
Jossel2008: well plz do so or play on, its 7 in the morning for god sake
Jossel2008: and obv sly isnt going to give up icm numbers
munchenHB: yea we can look at those
TheCart3r: yeah look at icm
maratik: sly what do you want?
HostOlgaS [Host]: ,
shaniac [TeamOnline]: we can look at ICM if you ALL want to
HostOlgaS [Host]: ,
Jossel2008: yes!
sly caveat: yes, please
FOO-92: i want
TheCart3r: everyone did
shaniac [TeamOnline]: everyone except one person I think…
HostOlgaS [Host]: – ?
maratik: yes
Jossel2008: i think everyone on this table knows chip chop is bullxxxx
StaffBryanS [Host]: Language, Jossel… no call for that.
TheCart3r: Shane, that’s everyone
munchenHB: we can look but i need a mil
TheCart3r: you will def get a mill if you win
Jossel2008: sure thats why u have the xxxx for :)
munchenHB: i want it guaranteed, it wont be much more
shaniac [TeamOnline]: ok one moment
HostOlgaS [Host]: Maratik, dobriy den
TheCart3r: lets just see the numbers first
HostOlgaS [Host]: Ya zdes chtobi vam pomoch
shaniac [TeamOnline]: we will present some ICM numbers as a further basis for discussion
maratik: dobryi den
shaniac [TeamOnline]: and welcome to our Russian translator, Olga
HostOlgaS [Host]: Vi hoteli chto-libo perevesti na angliiskiy yazik?
maratik: ya hochy milliom
HostJosephP (Administrator): munchenHB $948,584.34
maratik: kto ne soglasen
HostJosephP (Administrator): maratik $922,907.26
HostJosephP (Administrator): Jossel2008 $814,602.12
HostJosephP (Administrator): TheCart3r $662,516.39
HostJosephP (Administrator): sly caveat $601,884.93
HostJosephP (Administrator): FOO-92 $532,992.46
HostJosephP (Administrator): Left To Play for place 1 $100,000.00
munchenHB: 12k from all and its deal
HostOlgaS [Host]: Maratik would like to get a million
TheCart3r: can you tell him he will get a million if he wins
shaniac [TeamOnline]: If you agree to those numbers above, please type ‘I agree’
munchenHB: i have a very large edge, its pretty risky for you guys
munchenHB: 249 if u bust now
Jossel2008: im not giving any but im not taking any as its unfair at this stage to do so imo
maratik: want min
Jossel2008: so i agree
TheCart3r: i agree
FOO-92: i agree
sly caveat: i agree with 601884.93
FOO-92: honestly, nobody shpould be stuborn here, probably we will never get the chance to make that much again …
maratik: yes see
munchenHB: ^^^ exactly
FOO-92: at least me ;)
sly caveat: very true. And you two don’t have overwhelming leads. you can quite possibly cooler each other. it happens.
maratik: w8 min
FOO-92: 100% true
TheCart3r: yeah, it would be silly not to take ICM
TheCart3r: it’s not like we get to play this final table out everyday and have things even out
munchenHB: i really wouldnt mind continuing
HostOlgaS [Host]: Maratik, esli vi soglasni s ciframi ICM, oboznachennimi vishe, napixxxxe “I agree”
maratik: i agree
TheCart3r: munchen you’re the last one here
TheCart3r: you get your mill if you win
Jossel2008: ok guys easy decision, if someone says dont agree then we go play
munchenHB: its really nothing to you guys honestly
munchenHB: be real
FOO-92: so who is missing?
TheCart3r: then it should be nothing to you either
TheCart3r: muchen wants 12k from each
munchenHB: but its a cool number :)
Jossel2008: im not giving
munchenHB: okok 11k each
Jossel2008: ^^
TheCart3r: im not giving either
sly caveat: we will all buy you a beer at the wsop next year
TheCart3r: olga will you ask maratik if he will give 44k to munchen to get a deal done?
FOO-92: u care for 50k when u get 1M?
munchenHB: yes that is good idea
Jossel2008: id care about 50k^^
munchenHB: yea but he got in this tourney on 100 points
munchenHB: i have large edge and position
FOO-92: there was a time I couldnt get enough either
munchenHB: just ask him
munchenHB: in russian
munchenHB: 52k from him
FOO-92: munchne, u came from 18m to 9m with ur edge and position
Jossel2008: well im also of the opinion that maratik is the one to give some, he has a xxxx posi on this table
Jossel2008: but thats just me
FOO-92: how about we all give 10k for the first price in addition?
sly caveat: nah
munchenHB: but that doesnt get me 1m
FOO-92: then we have 160k for winner more
munchenHB: its not even that much to ask for
munchenHB: i deserve more but understand
maratik: i dont agree to give 44k
TheCart3r: 12k is 12k
munchenHB: not really at this point
TheCart3r: then why do you care?
munchenHB: maratik 25k 7k from rest
FOO-92: why is that so important to u?
TheCart3r: foo will you give munchen then money so we can get this done? You’re quite lucky to be sitting here right now ya know
FOO-92: hahahaha, he can have 2k
FOO-92: u mean the 44 ;)
TheCart3r: yeah
FOO-92: was not the last time probably :)
maratik: ill take 912000 or play! thats all!
Jossel2008: ok maratik are u willing to give anything? if yes make a counter offer if no we neednt discuss any longer anyway
FOO-92: we have all been extremely lucky, but some do not realize
shaniac [TeamOnline]: we are going to publish the numbers once again
TheCart3r: so here we go
munchenHB: just need 52k total more so.. 42k more
sly caveat: that’s a decent concession munchen.
TheCart3r: maritk just gave up 10k
munchenHB: carter 2k
munchenHB: so 40k
TheCart3r: foo if you give 42 we are there
Jossel2008: well sly cart and me are not givinv anything
FOO-92: what?
Jossel2008: thats my undestanding of it
HostJosephP (Administrator): munchenHB $948,584.34
HostJosephP (Administrator): maratik $922,907.26
HostJosephP (Administrator): Jossel2008 $814,602.12
HostJosephP (Administrator): TheCart3r $662,516.39
HostJosephP (Administrator): sly caveat $601,884.93
HostJosephP (Administrator): FOO-92 $532,992.46
HostJosephP (Administrator): Left To Play for place 1 $100,000.00
sly caveat: agree
Jossel2008: agree^^
Jossel2008: god i want my ^ ^ not this **ty smile
maratik: i agree
FOO-92: i agree
munchenHB: i need one million… if u guys really wanna play
Jossel2008: sure maybe u chip up and then u have ur million if its that important :P
TheCart3r: foo do you want to play?
FOO-92: i give him 10k, he gets 10k from maratik, thats the compromise
sly caveat: come on munchen. that’s huge.
munchenHB: you know the deal..
Jossel2008: ^^
TheCart3r: he needs 32k from you foo
FOO-92: why from me?
Jossel2008: yea exactly it makes no sense
maratik: i agree with Foo not less
TheCart3r: You were 2 outs away from being gone
FOO-92: u two guys give hiom 12k and done, who cares? let his ego be the big winner
FOO-92: but im still in, and who knows
Jossel2008: sure i think i have edge, especiall when it comes hu
Jossel2008: so i have no reason to do that
TheCart3r: I don’t think sly, jossel, and I can give any up. We all feel we have too big an edge. Mar gave up 10k so it only makes sense that you give the rest since youre lucky to still be a live
Jossel2008: and apart from that i dont like to give in to big egos
Jossel2008: when it costs me
TheCart3r: but if you want to play we can restart
Jossel2008: and i don
Jossel2008: and i like to do what i say
Jossel2008: so once i say im not giving im not giving
shaniac [TeamOnline]: Shall we resume the game? If anyone wishes to resume play, we’ll do so. Say the word.
Jossel2008: i can get munches point obv
TheCart3r: what do you say foo?
Jossel2008: he just has to do whats most +ev for him
munchenHB: chip chop was over 50k over 1m.. im asking for 58k less.. lets play if you guys dont wanna do it
munchenHB: this is an awful deal for me
Jossel2008: ok
sly caveat: chip chop is meaningless
Jossel2008: it is
sly caveat: obviously
Jossel2008: but ok
TheCart3r: its up to foo at this point if he says play we play
FOO-92: if maratik gives 15k i give 30k
TheCart3r: he needs 52 total
Jossel2008: he needs 42 no?
Jossel2008: to get a million
FOO-92: oi thouhgt 42 right?
munchenHB: 52
Jossel2008: oh
Jossel2008: fair enough – anyone giving the 7k?
Jossel2008: or first lets ask maratik
FOO-92: u two are left, split it
Jossel2008: if he says no to that its worthless anyway
Jossel2008: naa as i explained above
munchenHB: russian translator plz
FOO-92: omg, how old r u guys????
TheCart3r: mar will you give up 22 instead of 10 and foo gives 30?
TheCart3r: that will get us to a deal and everyone will be paid
munchenHB: u still get 900
munchenHB: and can win 1mil if u win
HostOlgaS [Host]: Maratik, FOO-92 skazal, chto esli vi otdadite 15K on otdast 30K
munchenHB: no 22k olga
TheCart3r: he needs 22 olga
munchenHB: he still gets 900k
Jossel2008: but munchen u could really take the 45k if u think about it, just saying
munchenHB: and paly for 100k and wins 1m if you win
FOO-92: cart, u not even giving5k bro?
Jossel2008: i think its quite lol to ask for any at this stage at all
HostOlgaS [Host]: drygie govoryat chto vam nygno pogertvovat 22k, a FOO dobavit ostalnoe
maratik: 22k from me… and thats all… or play
FOO-92: so looks like done deal right?
FOO-92: i give 30k
TheCart3r: agree
Jossel2008: think
munchenHB: so show the new numbers
munchenHB: all good
shaniac [TeamOnline]: ok one moment
FOO-92: so i have to win this thing to let u guys know who has the egdes ;)
TheCart3r: sounds good foo!
Jossel2008: :)
HostJosephP (Administrator): munchenHB $1,000,584.34
HostJosephP (Administrator): maratik $900,907.26
HostJosephP (Administrator): Jossel2008 $814,602.12
HostJosephP (Administrator): TheCart3r $662,516.39
HostJosephP (Administrator): sly caveat $601,884.93
HostJosephP (Administrator): FOO-92 $502,992.46
HostJosephP (Administrator): Left To Play for place 1 $100,000.00
TheCart3r: agree
FOO-92: i agree
sly caveat: agree
shaniac [TeamOnline]: If you agree to those numbers, type I agree
Jossel2008: agree
HostOlgaS [Host]: Maratik, vi soglasni?
maratik: i agree
munchenHB: i agree
shaniac [TeamOnline]: Looks like….we have a deal
shaniac [TeamOnline]: !!!!
FOO-92: congrtas guys …
shaniac [TeamOnline]: Congrats!
shaniac [TeamOnline]: why don’t we all take 5?
munchenHB: gl
sly caveat: gl all
shaniac [TeamOnline]: since we have been in the dealmaking trenches for so long
shaniac [TeamOnline]: take 5 and resume
maratik: gl
Dieser Artikel erschien auf PokerOlymp am 25.09.2012.