Gestern endete die PokerStars Sunday Million Live im King’s Casino und die Veranstalter freuten sich über eine riesige Beteiligung. Es gab beim Debut dieser Veranstaltung unglaubliche 5.045 Entries und der Preispool wuchs auf 1.089.310 Euro, die Macher hatten – wie auch bei der Online-Ausgabe des Turniers – 1 Million garantiert.
Eckdaten PokerStars Sunday Million Live
- Entries: 5.045
Volle Hütte in Rozvadov - Buy-in: €200 + €20
- Preispool: €1.089.310
- Sieger: Philipp Salewski
So lief das Debut der Sunday Million Live
Alles ging letzte Woche recht gemächlich los, an den letzten Starttagen wurde es dann richtig voll. Über 2.000 Entries wurden alleine am letzten Starttag, den 2. September, bezahlt. Am Ende gab es die oben erwähnten 5.045 Entries, 1.586 davon online und 3.459 live.
Die Spieler der Sunday Million Live kamen aus 66 Nationen, darunter waren nicht nur große Länder wie USA, Kanada, Brasilien, China, Südafrika, Indien oder Thailand, es gab auch Spieler von den Färöer Inseln, Angola und der Mongolei. Das größte Kontingent stellte Deutschland mit 1.175 Spielern.
Am Ende konnte sich Philipp Salewski aus Deutschland als Sieger durchsetzen, er kassierte nach einem Deal der letzten vier Spieler 111.674 Euro, eine schöne Summe. Domenik Alexander Kabas – ebenfalls aus Deutschland – wurde Zweiter und bekam dafür 92.011 Euro.
In der letzten Hand des Turniers gewann Philipp Salewski mit AJ auf der Hand gegen K7 von Domenik Alexander Kabas. Das Board brachte 3444Q und so stand er als strahlender Sieger vom Tisch auf. Herzlichen Glückwunsch auch an alle anderen 511 Spieler, die im Geld landeten.

Weitere Highlights im King's Casino
Im Herbst gibt es ein weiteres Highlight im King's, bei der World Series of Poker (WSOP) Europe werden insgesamt elf echte WSOP-Bracelets zwischen dem 19. Oktober und 10. November 2017 vergeben. Das €10.350 Main Event, das von 4. bis 10. November ausgetragen wird, hat ein garantiertes Preisgeld von 5.000.000 Euro und 1.000.000 Euro warten auf den Sieger.
In diesem Rahmen läuft auch das 111k One Drop High Roller Event, das mit 111 Teilnehmern gecappt ist. Schon jetzt haben über 90 Spieler ihr Kommen zugesagt und eine entsprechende Summe angezahlt. Es bleibt spannend in Rozvadov.
Endergebnis PokerStars Sunday Million Live
1 | Philipp | Salewski | Germany | €136.000 | €111.674 |
2 | Domenik Alexander | Kabas | Germany | €100.000 | €92.011 |
3 | Jozef | Komorny | Slovakia | €73.500 | €81.093 |
4 | Karel | Kovarik | Czech Republic | €53.700 | €76.522 |
5 | Andrei | Kurdyukov | Russia | €39.680 | |
6 | Werner | Nather | Germany | €29.000 | |
7 | Filip | Zak | Czech Republic | €21.400 | |
8 | Markus | Kowalski | Germany | €15.500 | |
9 | Patrick | Vogelsanger | Germany | €11.300 | |
10 | Michael | Schöbel | Germany | €8.300 | |
11 | Heiko Alexander | Maass | Germany | €8.300 | |
12 | Mario | Langer | Austria | €6.100 | |
13 | Ralph | Habig | Germany | €6.100 | |
14 | Daniyal | Rizwan Butt | Germany | €4.500 | |
15 | Mikhail | Filatov | Czech Republic | €4.500 | |
16 | David | Rodriguez | Spain | €4.500 | |
17 | Paul | Boizesan | Romania | €4.450 | |
18 | Uwe | Klos | Germany | €3.300 | |
19 | Andrei-Gabriel | Roscan | Romania | €3.300 | |
20 | Chrisoph | Cajochen | Switzerland | €3.300 | |
21 | Frank | Rohrmuller | Germany | €3.300 | |
22 | Jonas | Steinmueller | Germany | €3.300 | |
23 | Dusan | Trojčak | Slovakia | €3.300 | |
24 | Jakub | Odvarko | Czech Republic | €2.400 | |
25 | Timo | Jobmann | Germany | €2.400 | |
26 | Edoardo | Poggiali | Italy | €2.400 | |
27 | Christopher | Adams | Denmark | €2.400 | |
28 | Helma | Weber | Germany | €2.400 | |
29 | Raffael | Wilbertz | Germany | €2.400 | |
30 | Vincent Jozef | Verheye | Netherlands | €2.400 | |
31 | Philip | Hollederer | Germany | €2.400 | |
32 | Gabriel | Rausch | Germany | €2.000 | |
33 | Eugen | Schirnin | Germany | €2.000 | |
34 | Felix | Schlott | Germany | €2.000 | |
35 | Rytas | Staniukynas | Lithuania | €2.000 | |
36 | David | Neff | Germany | €2.000 | |
37 | Vojtech | Novansky | Slovakia | €2.000 | |
38 | Frank | Stobinski | Germany | €2.000 | |
39 | Laurentiu | Dumitru | Romania | €2.000 | |
40 | Christian | Martin | UK | €2.000 | |
41 | Petr | Kubenka | Czech Republic | €2.000 | |
42 | Andrzej | Marczykowski | Poland | €2.000 | |
43 | Daniel | Montagnolli | Austria | €2.000 | |
44 | Murat | Tülek | Germany | €2.000 | |
45 | Carter | Newhof | United States | €2.000 | |
46 | Wladimir | Gerner | Germany | €2.000 | |
47 | Miklos | Zsuffa | Hungary | €2.000 | |
48 | Tarik | Taabouni | Netherlands | €1.650 | |
49 | Ales | Valenta | Czech Republic | €1.650 | |
50 | Sebastian | Opitz | Germany | €1.650 | |
51 | Huseyn | Erbay | Germany | €1.650 | |
52 | Nicolas | Bokowski | Germany | €1.650 | |
53 | Sandor | Horvath | Hungary | €1.650 | |
54 | Kevin | Hoppert | Germany | €1.650 | |
55 | Emil | Mesaros | Germany | €1.650 | |
56 | David | Katai | France | €1.650 | |
57 | Philippe | Bouhnik | France | €1.650 | |
58 | Ferdinand | Franz | Germany | €1.650 | |
59 | Ioannis | Messas | Germany | €1.650 | |
60 | Pieter | De Korver | Netherlands | €1.650 | |
61 | Jiri | Hluzek | Czech Republic | €1.650 | |
62 | Nikolay | Karman | Russia | €1.650 | |
63 | Pavel | Panocha | Czech Republic | €1.650 | |
64 | Michael | Hierl | Germany | €1.650 | |
65 | Jan | Streicher | Germany | €1.650 | |
66 | Marek | Blasko | Slovakia | €1.650 | |
67 | Jan | Ramik | Czech Republic | €1.650 | |
68 | Ondrej | Mar | Czech Republic | €1.650 | |
69 | Daniel | Dinulescu | Greece | €1.650 | |
70 | Antonin | Felfel | Czech Republic | €1.650 | |
71 | Bernd | Delius | Germany | €1.650 | |
72 | Norbert | Riffelmacher | Germany | €1.400 | |
73 | Petri-Kalevi | Metsämaa | Finland | €1.400 | |
74 | Benjamin | Streber | Germany | €1.400 | |
75 | Willibald | Stopfer | Germany | €1.400 | |
76 | Yannick | Stephanus | France | €1.400 | |
77 | Albert | Ekelik | Germany | €1.400 | |
78 | Marek | Lux | Czech Republic | €1.400 | |
79 | Silvan | Seelmann | Germany | €1.400 | |
80 | Mirko | Ingrassia | Italy | €1.400 | |
81 | Alvis | Skapars | Denmark | €1.400 | |
82 | Alexander | Romme | Germany | €1.400 | |
83 | Swier | Copinga | Germany | €1.400 | |
84 | Jan | Mach | Czech Republic | €1.400 | |
85 | Dominik | Paus | Germany | €1.400 | |
86 | Artur | Koenov | Germany | €1.400 | |
87 | Marcel | Verhaegen | Netherlands | €1.400 | |
88 | Jimmy | Rekosuo | Finland | €1.400 | |
89 | Tomas | Andersson | Sweden | €1.400 | |
90 | Benjamin | Benoit | France | €1.400 | |
91 | Lucas | Beisel | Germany | €1.400 | |
92 | Jan | Bednar | Austria | €1.400 | |
93 | Lukas | Trzcinski | Germany | €1.400 | |
94 | Tarik | Uzan | Germany | €1.400 | |
95 | Pawel | Pudlowski | Poland | €1.400 | |
96 | Chrissovalantis | Goussis | Greece | €1.400 | |
97 | Raffaele | Lettera | Germany | €1.400 | |
98 | Vladimir | Kerestes | Slovakia | €1.400 | |
99 | Mike | Adamo | Turks and Caicos Islands | €1.400 | |
100 | Ulrich | Sprung | Germany | €1.400 | |
101 | Oguz | Cenk | Belgium | €1.400 | |
102 | Boris | Milisavljevie | Austria | €1.400 | |
103 | Philipp | Hosiner | Austria | €1.400 | |
104 | Michael Manfred | Hoch | Germany | €1.170 | |
105 | Andreas | Kneidl | Germany | €1.170 | |
106 | Steven David | Ulrich | Switzerland | €1.170 | |
107 | Niklas | Ehrenholz | Germany | €1.170 | |
108 | Gerhard | Potzler | Germany | €1.170 | |
109 | Vadzim | Lipauka | Belarus | €1.170 | |
110 | Jedrzej | WItczak | Poland | €1.170 | |
111 | Zdenik | Dostal | Czech Republic | €1.170 | |
112 | Marcel | Walther | Germany | €1.170 | |
113 | Gerald Chris | Gradwohl | Austria | €1.170 | |
114 | Pierre | Axer | Germany | €1.170 | |
115 | Julian | Märgner | Germany | €1.170 | |
116 | Kai | Münster | Germany | €1.170 | |
117 | Uwe | Fritzenschaft | Germany | €1.170 | |
118 | Beata | Gluchaczka | Poland | €1.170 | |
119 | Zdenik | Stach | Czech Republic | €1.170 | |
120 | Daniel | Drogo | Germany | €1.170 | |
121 | Robert | Pal | Slovenia | €1.170 | |
122 | Michal | Zahalka | Czech Republic | €1.170 | |
123 | Felix | Trau | Germany | €1.170 | |
124 | Lukasz | Prejs | Poland | €1.170 | |
125 | Elena | Litvinyuk | Germany | €1.170 | |
126 | Antonino | Karman | Hungary | €1.170 | |
127 | PiotrMaciej | Walenta | Poland | €1.170 | |
128 | Sebastian Florian | Martens | Germany | €1.170 | |
129 | Primoz | Klancar | Slovenia | €1.170 | |
130 | Lukas | Grussmann | Czech Republic | €1.170 | |
131 | Alexander | Bachmann | Germany | €1.170 | |
132 | Daniel | Becker | Germany | €1.170 | |
133 | Karel | Winzig | Czech Republic | €1.170 | |
134 | jeremia | jaug | Austria | €1.170 | |
135 | Ljubo | Kostic | Croatia | €1.170 | |
136 | Mahmud | Akili | Germany | €1.170 | |
137 | Yehuda | Cohen | Germany | €1.170 | |
138 | Matthias | Nachtigal | Germany | €1.170 | |
139 | Firoz | Chatur | Norway | €1.170 | |
140 | Patrick | Rösch | Germany | €1.170 | |
141 | Michael | Ende | Germany | €1.170 | |
142 | Christopher | Raatz | Germany | €1.170 | |
143 | Stefan | Toma | Romania | €1.170 | |
144 | Sascha | Weiss | Germany | €980 | |
145 | Martin | Kabrhel | Czech Republic | €980 | |
146 | Lukasz Michal | Balbierz | Poland | €980 | |
147 | Dennis | Kirsch | Germany | €980 | |
148 | Neville | Fitz-Jim | Netherlands | €980 | |
149 | Kevin Joseph | Quinlan | UK | €980 | |
150 | leroy | chun | Netherlands | €980 | |
151 | Pavel | Pecar | Czech Republic | €980 | |
152 | jan | Demjan | Germany | €980 | |
153 | Marcel | Schmickartz | Germany | €980 | |
154 | Philipp | Hartmann | Germany | €980 | |
155 | Viktor | Uhlir | Czech Republic | €980 | |
156 | Vaclav | Polacek | Czech Republic | €980 | |
157 | Michael | Finn | Germany | €980 | |
158 | Daniel | GraSs | Germany | €980 | |
159 | Mohamad | Arin | Germany | €980 | |
160 | George | Dragos Radu | Romania | €980 | |
161 | Josef | Peterek | Czech Republic | €980 | |
162 | Coen | Binnerts | Netherlands | €980 | |
163 | Dimitrios | Athanassopoulos | Germany | €980 | |
164 | Thomas | Hueber | Austria | €980 | |
165 | Alexander | Lang | Germany | €980 | |
166 | Marketa | Veisova | Czech Republic | €980 | |
167 | Curt | Livermore | UK | €980 | |
168 | Roman | Cieslik | Germany | €980 | |
169 | Tim | Van Loo | Germany | €980 | |
170 | Axel | Rank | Germany | €980 | |
171 | Daniel | Bocian | Luxembourg | €980 | |
172 | Pawel | Ziomek | Poland | €980 | |
173 | Dominik | Desset | Slovakia | €980 | |
174 | Cosimo | Domenico Noens | Belgium | €980 | |
175 | Karel | Hankyr | Czech Republic | €980 | |
176 | Milan | Mück | Czech Republic | €980 | |
177 | Levent | Sakir | Greece | €980 | |
178 | Yannick | Pernot | Germany | €980 | |
179 | Paco Zeki | Kaplan | Germany | €980 | |
180 | Michal | zahumensky | Slovakia | €980 | |
181 | Daniel | Schendel | Germany | €980 | |
182 | Maximilian | Paetzold | Germany | €980 | |
183 | Lukasz | Gluchaczka | Poland | €980 | |
184 | Arturs | Barkevics | Latvia | €980 | |
185 | Volodymyr | Kernytskyi | Ukraine | €980 | |
186 | Dragos | Negrii | Romania | €980 | |
187 | Fleidl | Christian | Austria | €980 | |
188 | Rastislav | Paleta | Czech Republic | €980 | |
189 | Davide | Lamorte | Switzerland | €980 | |
190 | Jeremy | Marsani | Belgium | €980 | |
191 | Balazs | Botond | Malta | €980 | |
192 | Van Hoa | Dang | Germany | €830 | |
193 | Peter | Rauter | Austria | €830 | |
194 | Said | Nadjem | Germany | €830 | |
195 | Erhard Manfred | Hollederer | Germany | €830 | |
196 | Michal | Minar | Czech Republic | €830 | |
197 | Jiri | Lesner | Czech Republic | €830 | |
198 | Simon | Wiedmann | Germany | €830 | |
199 | Pavel | Cerveny | Czech Republic | €830 | |
200 | Hasan | Unal | Germany | €830 | |
201 | Ihor | Popyk | Germany | €830 | |
202 | Maciej | Kondraszuk | Poland | €830 | |
203 | MOhamed | Yaha | Belgium | €830 | |
204 | Andre | Schneider | Germany | €830 | |
205 | Paul | Harrison | UK | €830 | |
206 | Johan | Oenema | Netherlands | €830 | |
207 | Ivan | Curic | Germany | €830 | |
208 | Mark | Mühkhaus | Germany | €830 | |
209 | Tarik | Bouhidour | Denmark | €830 | |
210 | Matej | Trantalic | Slovakia | €830 | |
211 | Zdenik | Mital | Czech Republic | €830 | |
212 | Friedrich | lieder | Germany | €830 | |
213 | Anton | Wigg | Sweden | €830 | |
214 | Maximilian | Grünberger | Germany | €830 | |
215 | Marek | Cachovan | Slovakia | €830 | |
216 | Richard | Eller | Slovakia | €830 | |
217 | Thanh | Hai Le | Germany | €830 | |
218 | Petr | Hanzalius | Czech Republic | €830 | |
219 | Patrik Frank | MeiSsner | Germany | €830 | |
220 | Karel | Hoschna | Czech Republic | €830 | |
221 | Peter | Ralbovsky | Slovakia | €830 | |
222 | Hannes | Speiser | Austria | €830 | |
223 | Sascha | Knipper | Germany | €830 | |
224 | Dragotinlis | Konstantinos | Germany | €830 | |
225 | Tomasz | Serdynski | Poland | €830 | |
226 | Marvin | Wörner | Germany | €830 | |
227 | Walter | Sinzinger | Austria | €830 | |
228 | Mehmed | Ozaydin | Germany | €830 | |
229 | Artem | Achrkokov | Belarus | €830 | |
230 | Daniel | Kraus | Germany | €830 | |
231 | Nikolaos | Giannakakis | Germany | €830 | |
232 | Claude | Zakko | Germany | €830 | |
233 | Calogero Sotiris | Poniris | Germany | €830 | |
234 | Kai | Jansen | Germany | €830 | |
235 | Joseph | Haigney | UK | €830 | |
236 | Thomas | Mosler | Germany | €830 | |
237 | Piotr | Trebacz | Poland | €830 | |
238 | Ovidiu-Dorin | Barna | Romania | €830 | |
239 | Florian | Gürtler | Germany | €830 | |
240 | Christian | Staar | Germany | €690 | |
241 | Olah | Jozsef | Hungary | €690 | |
242 | Christian Amin | Nofal | Germany | €690 | |
243 | Ivan | Mykhailovych Dragomyretskyy | Ukraine | €690 | |
244 | Hugo | Franz | Germany | €690 | |
245 | Petr | Vlcek | Czech Republic | €690 | |
246 | Alexey | Sinitsin | Russia | €690 | |
247 | Markus Johann | Polzer | Germany | €690 | |
248 | Christian | Vadillo-Bilda | Germany | €690 | |
249 | Irakli | Kemularia | Georgia | €690 | |
250 | Stephan Norbert | Brendel | Germany | €690 | |
251 | David | Harris | Ireland | €690 | |
252 | Joshua | Khoury | Germany | €690 | |
253 | Michael | Stüwe | Germany | €690 | |
254 | Michael | Van der Ghinst | Belgium | €690 | |
255 | Giovanni | Mazza | Germany | €690 | |
256 | Etienne | Kobel | Germany | €690 | |
257 | Jaouad | Smahi | France | €690 | |
258 | Omar | Regent | Czech Republic | €690 | |
259 | Michael | Fischer | Germany | €690 | |
260 | Karin Petra | Muller | Germany | €690 | |
261 | David | Taborsky | Czech Republic | €690 | |
262 | Adam | Ganc | Poland | €690 | |
263 | Andrius | Jonuskis | Finland | €690 | |
264 | markus | kocher | Austria | €690 | |
265 | Gustav | Kovacs | Slovakia | €690 | |
266 | Vladislav | Trekusov | Russia | €690 | |
267 | Tomas | Hajek | Czech Republic | €690 | |
268 | Marc-Philip | Fehsenfeld | Germany | €690 | |
269 | Ladislav | Ballay | Slovakia | €690 | |
270 | Darko | Konrad | Germany | €690 | |
271 | Mateusz | Chrobak | Poland | €690 | |
272 | Matz | Lindman | Sweden | €690 | |
273 | Roman | Lakatos | Slovakia | €690 | |
274 | Oliver | Meinel | Germany | €690 | |
275 | Heinz-Georg | Geissler | Germany | €690 | |
276 | Peter | Racz | Hungary | €690 | |
277 | Marcel Daniel | Momberg | Germany | €690 | |
278 | Frank | Koopmann | Germany | €690 | |
279 | Serkan | Ozkir | Germany | €690 | |
280 | Meszaros | Peter | Germany | €690 | |
281 | Jan | Gompers | Germany | €690 | |
282 | Herve | Decker | France | €690 | |
283 | Simon | Hoffmann | Germany | €690 | |
284 | Michal | Stipsky | Czech Republic | €690 | |
285 | Aydin | Kaan | Germany | €690 | |
286 | Moritz | Herleth | Germany | €690 | |
287 | Rosita | Nissen | Germany | €690 | |
288 | Alexander | Rupp | Germany | €690 | |
289 | Marek | Sulc | Czech Republic | €690 | |
290 | Kevin | Blank | Germany | €690 | |
291 | Michal | Janusis | Czech Republic | €690 | |
292 | Alaattin | Simsek | Turkey | €690 | |
293 | Oliver | Weichhart | Germany | €690 | |
294 | Babak Pedram | Manesh | Germany | €690 | |
295 | Fungac | Petr | Czech Republic | €690 | |
296 | aron | wilson | United States | €580 | |
297 | Kai | Schuster | Germany | €580 | |
298 | Andrej | Cicak | Slovakia | €580 | |
299 | Martin | Urbanek | Czech Republic | €580 | |
300 | Lukasz Dariusz | Golczyk | Poland | €580 | |
301 | Ashok | Kuma | India | €580 | |
302 | Chee Wei | Kwok | Germany | €580 | |
303 | Martin | Romba | Germany | €580 | |
304 | Marek | Budos | Slovakia | €580 | |
305 | Karl-Heinz | Reichel | Germany | €580 | |
306 | Ronald | Mielenski | Germany | €580 | |
307 | Nick | Marel | Netherlands | €580 | |
308 | Vito Giuseppe | Vella | Germany | €580 | |
309 | Abdelkader | Benhalima | Algeria | €580 | |
310 | Vladimir | Krizek | Czech Republic | €580 | |
311 | Marton | Czuczor | Hungary | €580 | |
312 | Florian | Maas | Germany | €580 | |
313 | Aleksandr | Kilennikov | Russia | €580 | |
314 | Viktor | Troianovskii | Russia | €580 | |
315 | Andre | Alink | Germany | €580 | |
316 | Werner | Oberbauer | Germany | €580 | |
317 | Viktor | Gann | Germany | €580 | |
318 | Ante | Kamber | Germany | €580 | |
319 | Andreas | Lener | Austria | €580 | |
320 | Raoul | Hristache | Norway | €580 | |
321 | Andrii | Khatsevych | Belarus | €580 | |
322 | Feng | Liang | Czech Republic | €580 | |
323 | Fabien | Baldelli | France | €580 | |
324 | Milan | Topoly | Slovakia | €580 | |
325 | Lukasz | Zbigniew Matusik | Poland | €580 | |
326 | Frithjof | Köhler | Germany | €580 | |
327 | Dennis | Drogo | Germany | €580 | |
328 | Ridouan | Saou | Germany | €580 | |
329 | Ivan | Sebeledi | Slovakia | €580 | |
330 | Oliver | Van Puyvelde | Belgium | €580 | |
331 | Maurice | Ludovic | France | €580 | |
332 | Daniel | Hönig | Germany | €580 | |
333 | Ludovic Alexander | Geilich | UK | €580 | |
334 | Pawel Bertold | Zuczkowski | Germany | €580 | |
335 | Ivan | Coric | Croatia | €580 | |
336 | Florian | Schmotzer | Germany | €580 | |
337 | Miroslav | Prosa | Czech Republic | €580 | |
338 | Carsten | Hempel | Germany | €580 | |
339 | Marin | Pehar | Germany | €580 | |
340 | Lutz | Zill | Germany | €580 | |
341 | Ofir | Stender | Israel | €580 | |
342 | Michael | Eiler | Germany | €580 | |
343 | Marosi | Marton | Hungary | €580 | |
344 | Mike | Emde | Germany | €580 | |
345 | Stavros | Botaktsis | Germany | €580 | |
346 | Jens Christian | Nielsen | Denmark | €580 | |
347 | Dorus | Wijnen | Netherlands | €580 | |
348 | Stefan | Rothdauscher | Germany | €580 | |
349 | Massimo | Vitulli | Switzerland | €580 | |
350 | Sascha | Minerva | Germany | €580 | |
351 | Ciro | Prevete | Germany | €580 | |
352 | Anton | Wlasow | Germany | €580 | |
353 | Ralf | Grenz | Germany | €580 | |
354 | Mihai-Ionel | Popescu | Romania | €580 | |
355 | Andreas | Piro | Switzerland | €580 | |
356 | Frank Ronald | Reichel | Germany | €580 | |
357 | Robert | Saffran | Germany | €580 | |
358 | Niall | Duffy | UK | €580 | |
359 | Lazer | Gjergji | Czech Republic | €580 | |
360 | David | Wagner | Switzerland | €490 | |
361 | Karol | Radomski | Poland | €490 | |
362 | Robert | Ilic | Germany | €490 | |
363 | Curtis | White | Germany | €490 | |
364 | Przemyslaw | Misztela | Poland | €490 | |
365 | Stefan | Fuchs | Austria | €490 | |
366 | Daniel | Biclea | Romania | €490 | |
367 | Greet | de hond zwaan | Netherlands | €490 | |
368 | Jesse | Podbielski | Germany | €490 | |
369 | Rutger | Steijvers | Netherlands | €490 | |
370 | Natalija | Kiselova | Latvia | €490 | |
371 | Georgios | Stavrou | Greece | €490 | |
372 | Rupert | Derler | Austria | €490 | |
373 | Mark | Joa | Estonia | €490 | |
374 | Martin | Cermak | Czech Republic | €490 | |
375 | Nijaz | Nasibullov | Russia | €490 | |
376 | Erik | Bauer | Netherlands | €490 | |
377 | Keywan | Haghchenas | Germany | €490 | |
378 | Mark | Thies | Germany | €490 | |
379 | Pavel | Horesovsky | Czech Republic | €490 | |
380 | Stephan | Kohlstetter | Germany | €490 | |
381 | Istvan | Toth | Hungary | €490 | |
382 | Jan | Penc | Czech Republic | €490 | |
383 | Mehmed | Ahmed | Germany | €490 | |
384 | matij | kukula | Czech Republic | €490 | |
385 | Andre | Siebert | Germany | €490 | |
386 | Martin | Greizinger | Czech Republic | €490 | |
387 | Philipp | Zukernik | China | €490 | |
388 | Jioi | Plachy | Czech Republic | €490 | |
389 | Jochen | Geiselmann | Germany | €490 | |
390 | Laszlo | Kezdody | UK | €490 | |
391 | Pieter | van Gils | Netherlands | €490 | |
392 | Adam | Blazek | Czech Republic | €490 | |
393 | Michael | Bauer | Germany | €490 | |
394 | Rachio | Kalai | Germany | €490 | |
395 | Udo | Sowitzki | Germany | €490 | |
396 | Manuel | Meier | Germany | €490 | |
397 | Bouabdellah | Karoui | France | €490 | |
398 | Miroslav | Kastl | Slovakia | €490 | |
399 | Michael Liam | Chaffe | UK | €490 | |
400 | Peter Heinrich | März | Germany | €490 | |
401 | Juraj | Liska | Germany | €490 | |
402 | Stefan | Bauer | Germany | €490 | |
403 | Vladimir | Stejskal | Czech Republic | €490 | |
404 | Stefan | Piechowiak | Germany | €490 | |
405 | Tilo Achim | Schrimm | Germany | €490 | |
406 | Khalil | Youssafi | Germany | €490 | |
407 | Felix | Schneiders | Germany | €490 | |
408 | Petr | Satek | Czech Republic | €490 | |
409 | Franziskus Georg | Rupp | Germany | €490 | |
410 | Alberto | Gomez | Spain | €490 | |
411 | Kristijan | Maric | Germany | €490 | |
412 | Aleksandr | Kudriashov | Russia | €490 | |
413 | Eddie Erik | Cronholm | Sweden | €490 | |
414 | Rinaldo | Aquino | UK | €490 | |
415 | Marek | Tatarka | Slovakia | €490 | |
416 | Steven | Vollers | Malta | €490 | |
417 | Florian | Weber | Germany | €490 | |
418 | Sebastian | Birnkammer | Germany | €490 | |
419 | Michal Roman | Kadziela | Poland | €490 | |
420 | Michael | Maly | Germany | €490 | |
421 | Robert Oliver | Aichhammer | Germany | €490 | |
422 | Jan-Willem T | Nijmeijer | Netherlands | €490 | |
423 | Razvan-ionut | Dragan | Germany | €490 | |
424 | Günter | Jakwerth | Austria | €490 | |
425 | Eytan | Dvir | Israel | €490 | |
426 | Emanuel | Schönauer | Germany | €490 | |
427 | joshua | guillermo | Germany | €490 | |
428 | Christian | Hoschützky | Germany | €490 | |
429 | Oleh | Sushko | Ukraine | €490 | |
430 | Olivia Hanka | Lohmar | Germany | €490 | |
431 | Lukas | Klima | Czech Republic | €490 | |
432 | Bart J W | Oomen | Netherlands | €400 | |
433 | Dirk | Volquardsen | Germany | €400 | |
434 | Raul | Cuc | Germany | €400 | |
435 | Michael | Schüpbach | Switzerland | €400 | |
436 | Giuseppe | Demasi | Germany | €400 | |
437 | Andrew | Doona | Ireland | €400 | |
438 | Jürgen | Heidl | Austria | €400 | |
439 | Ejder | Gün | Germany | €400 | |
440 | Matthias | Hoenig | Germany | €400 | |
441 | Nico | Breunung | Germany | €400 | |
442 | Danny | van der Meer | Netherlands | €400 | |
443 | Tim | Schwensfeger | Germany | €400 | |
444 | Ludwig | Demel | Germany | €400 | |
445 | Karel | Hanykyr | Czech Republic | €400 | |
446 | Alexander | Thaler | Austria | €400 | |
447 | Andrej | Kreuzer | Germany | €400 | |
448 | Lukas | Michna | Czech Republic | €400 | |
449 | Muhammad | Ali | United Arab Emirates | €400 | |
450 | Roman | von Schwartzenberg | Germany | €400 | |
451 | Sergey | Viktorovich Pakhomov | Russia | €400 | |
452 | Indrek | Turu | Estonia | €400 | |
453 | Konrad | Swinarski | Germany | €400 | |
454 | Turgay | Akin | Sweden | €400 | |
455 | Pavlo | Tormozov | Germany | €400 | |
456 | Melanie | Meier | Germany | €400 | |
457 | Philipp Michael | Brendel | Germany | €400 | |
458 | Frantisek | Majer | Slovakia | €400 | |
459 | Aleksandar | Dordevic | Germany | €400 | |
460 | Ahmad Qais | Achegsei | Germany | €400 | |
461 | Ali Asghar | Amirfatahi | Germany | €400 | |
462 | Tomasz | Monczak | Poland | €400 | |
463 | Hendrik | van Neer | Germany | €400 | |
464 | Nicholas | Wright | UK | €400 | |
465 | Martin | Brunner | Switzerland | €400 | |
466 | Johanna | Olverdina Papa | Netherlands | €400 | |
467 | Wolfgang | Strobel | Germany | €400 | |
468 | Van Hiep | Tran | Germany | €400 | |
469 | Michael | Broschek | Germany | €400 | |
470 | Francesco | Fama | Germany | €400 | |
471 | Thomas | Fabian | Germany | €400 | |
472 | Rafal | Gruba | Poland | €400 | |
473 | Raphael | Housni | France | €400 | |
474 | Michal Marian | Skalski | Poland | €400 | |
475 | Darius | Reber | Germany | €400 | |
476 | Bakir | Dedovic | Germany | €400 | |
477 | Konrad Dawid | Hoschützky | Germany | €400 | |
478 | Kadir | Kaplan | Germany | €400 | |
479 | Christos | Bachtsevanidis | Germany | €400 | |
480 | Metin | Batman | Germany | €400 | |
481 | Ferenc | Viszokai | Hungary | €400 | |
482 | Pabagiotis | Trapezanlidis | Germany | €400 | |
483 | Alexander | Tissen | Germany | €400 | |
484 | Josef | Lengal | Czech Republic | €400 | |
485 | Bianca-Floriana | Stanescu | Romania | €400 | |
486 | Tobias | Schubert | Germany | €400 | |
487 | Mehmet | Ayaz | Norway | €400 | |
488 | Lorenzo | Au | Netherlands | €400 | |
489 | Johannes | Lambertus Agterberg | Netherlands | €400 | |
490 | Alexej | Albert | Germany | €400 | |
491 | Marcis | Plavins | Latvia | €400 | |
492 | Piotr | Sadowski | Poland | €400 | |
493 | Ebubekir | Amil | Germany | €400 | |
494 | Petr | Susta | Czech Republic | €400 | |
495 | Wolfgang | Feldwieser | Germany | €400 | |
496 | Jan | Markl | Germany | €400 | |
497 | Jacek | Zurek | Poland | €400 | |
498 | Lars | Hellmuth | Germany | €400 | |
499 | Heinrich | Quadrizus | Germany | €400 | |
500 | Kerstin | Collins | Germany | €400 | |
501 | Oliver | Heppchen | Germany | €400 | |
502 | Thierry | Serge Boucher | Belgium | €400 | |
503 | Eremia | Niculae | Romania | €400 | |
504 | Marc | Nunnenkamp | Germany | €400 | |
505 | Tomas | Kana | Czech Republic | €400 | |
506 | Vladimir | Vosvrda | Czech Republic | €400 | |
507 | Jiri | Hruby | Czech Republic | €400 | |
508 | Alexej | Macechin | Germany | €400 | |
509 | Alexander | Wittmann | Germany | €400 | |
510 | Oleh | Shepelenko | Ukraine | €400 | |
511 | Staffan | Axel Malakias Nordström | Sweden | €400 | |
512 | Wieckenberg | Jan-Dirk | Germany | €400 |
Dieser Artikel erschien auf PokerOlymp am 05.09.2017.