Dieses Wochenende lief auf PokerStars wieder die Red-Spade-Open, ein $55-Turnier mit einem garantierten Preispool von einer Million Dollar.
Mit 28.713 Teilnehmern wurde die Garantiesumme deutlich übertroffen und es lagen über 1,4 Millionen Dollar im Preispool. Auf alle PokerStars-Pros, die an diesem Turnier teilnahmen, gab es zusätzlich eine Bounty in Höhe von 100 Dollar. Entsprechend schwer hatten es die Pros und nur einer schaffte es unter die Top-250: Christophe de Meulder aus Belgien belegte den 249. Platz.
Bei so vielen Teilnehmern dauerte das Turnier über 14 Stunden und wurde erst am heutigen Vormittag nach 11.30 Uhr beendet.
Zwei deutsche Spieler schafften es an den Final-Table: pengpengtot und EMPTY1SEAT. Letzterer ist kein Unbekannter in den teureren Turnieren und erreichte unter anderem bei einer Sunday-Million 2012 den dritten Platz.
Zu siebt und mit verhältnismäßig ausgeglichen Stacks bei extrem hohen Blinds einigten sich die Spieler auf Deal-Verhandlungen. Dort wurde nach den ersten Vorschlägen zunächst ein wenig geblufft und sowohl der Chipleader, thanks_m8, als auch der Brasilianer joaof09 forderten mehr ein, doch schließlich lenkten sie ein und ließen sich auf die ICM-Zahlen ein.
Nach dem Deal blieb kein Geld mehr auf dem Tisch und entsprechend schnell wurde das restliche Turnier abgewickelt.
Endergebnis Red-Spade-Open 28. April 2013
28.713 Spieler, $1.435.650 Preispool, Buy-In: $55
1. | Nutshuh? | Norwegen | $87.300 (D) |
2. | thanks_m8 | Finnland | $135.500 (D) |
3. | EMPTY1SEAT | Deutschland | $119.900 (D) |
4. | SWFAZ | UK | $110.900 (D) |
5. | pengpengtot | Deutschland | $92.300 (D) |
6. | danutpeddler | Irland | $83.600 (D) |
7. | joaof09 | Brasilien | $90.700 (D) |
8. | mitchizzil | Kanada | $20.100 |
9. | simbir | Norwegen | $14.400 |
Chat, Dealverhandlung
Administrator Dealing will be paused after the current hand to discuss a deal.
Dealer The break will start when the current hand finishes
SWFAZ no harm in looking then i guess
thanks_m8 yep
Administrator The Tournament has been paused by the players to discuss a deal. A Host will arrive shortly. Dealing can be resumed by unchecking the ‘Discuss a deal’ checkbox inside the ‘Info’ tab.
Administrator The tournament has been paused to allow discussion of deal.
frosty012 (TeamOnline) Ok players, just a few moments and we’ll have some numbers for you to look at
joaof09 numbers ship shop
joaof09 chip chop
pengpengtot icm
Administrator The tournament has been paused to allow discussion of deal.
HostMichalM (Administrator) Hello players, congratulations on you deep run!
frosty012 (TeamOnline) Ok players, please don’t type for a second and we’ll send through chip chip first
HostPauloE (Host) we’re good Michal :), thanks mate
frosty012 (TeamOnline) chip chop*
HostPauloE (Administrator) thanks_m8:$151,194.72
HostPauloE (Administrator) EMPTY1SEAT:$124,899.76
HostPauloE (Administrator) SWFAZ:$111,490.58
HostPauloE (Administrator) pengpengtot:$88,199.83
HostPauloE (Administrator) joaof09:$85,618.46
HostPauloE (Administrator) Nutshuh?:$81,673.05
HostPauloE (Administrator) danutpeddler:$77,645.01
frosty012 (TeamOnline) If you agree to those numbers, type “I Agree”
EMPTY1SEAT i agree
Nutshuh? I agree
danutpeddler wanna see icm
SWFAZ look at icm aswell then
pengpengtot me too
frosty012 (TeamOnline) Alright, one moment and I’ll post ICM numbers
danutpeddler chip chops too top heavy
danutpeddler and unfair
thanks_m8 chip chop
EMPTY1SEAT 77K is realmuch
joaof09 chip chop too top heavy
frosty012 (TeamOnline) will just be a couple of minutes guys…relax for a second and count your money in the meantime :)
thanks_m8 u wanted chip chop joao
danutpeddler look no one can dominate and it’s shallow
Nutshuh? Lets take out 30k from top 3 and play for it?
joaof09 i want 95kk
EMPTY1SEAT chip chop no one want bust for 28K
pengpengtot lets look at icm numbers and then discuss
joaof09 chip chop and first 50k, second 30k , third 20k
joaof09 liked it??
pengpengtot no
thanks_m8 nope
Nutshuh? lol
joaof09 suggestions?
Nutshuh? Lets do chip chop and take like 30 k out of top 3 to play for!
Nutshuh? sounds fair
joaof09 ok
EMPTY1SEAT bro we play 14h
pengpengtot i agree but i wont at least see the numbers of icm
SWFAZ simple, wait to see ICM if its sh it then we do the above numbers..
Nutshuh? alraight
frosty012 (TeamOnline) Yes, ICM numbers are on the way shortly players…
frosty012 (TeamOnline) Appreciate your patience
joaof09 suggestions??
joaof09 come on
pengpengtot keep cool bro
frosty012 (TeamOnline) Alright players, once again I’d ask you not to type as I post the ICM numbers
HostPauloE (Administrator) thanks_m8:$135,470.94
HostPauloE (Administrator) EMPTY1SEAT:$119,850.19
HostPauloE (Administrator) SWFAZ:$110,825.64
HostPauloE (Administrator) pengpengtot:$92,920.95
HostPauloE (Administrator) joaof09:$90,727.71
HostPauloE (Administrator) Nutshuh?:$87,282.66
HostPauloE (Administrator) danutpeddler:$83,643.32
frosty012 (TeamOnline) If you agree to these numbers, type “I Agree”
danutpeddler seems fairer
danutpeddler i agree
pengpengtot i agree
SWFAZ previous looked better tbh for the two big stack ICM doesnt seem fair to you two tbh, whats left to play for is it the same either way?
thanks_m8 i need 145k
Nutshuh? I agree
danutpeddler there are no big stacks
thanks_m8 ?
EMPTY1SEAT bro agree
frosty012 (TeamOnline) Just one more thing to be clear everyone, there will be nothing remaining to play for if you agree to the posted numbers
SWFAZ previous?
joaof09 no thanks 145k no
SWFAZ previous then and he gets his deserved 145
danutpeddler no way
pengpengtot why there are no big stacks
danutpeddler they’re not that big
SWFAZ you blind hes double the rest of us
EMPTY1SEAT bro 135K are ok agree
pengpengtot chipleader has 25bb
SWFAZ yes but double is double he deserves the 145 cant argue with that
EMPTY1SEAT noone is deeb lets agree
Nutshuh? Last one sounds fair
pengpengtot you only want the 1k more
pengpengtot i agree to ic,
pengpengtot icm
thanks_m8 145k
thanks_m8 last offer
danutpeddler my backers are reluctanly agreeing to second deal
danutpeddler no chance on first
joaof09 95 for me or lets go
thanks_m8 thats not even funny joao
SWFAZ I really dont i think the big stack deserves the 145 and more importantly i dont like the two smallest getting an extra 5-6K
frosty012 (TeamOnline) Ok, well it looks like the first chip chop numbers are off the table as per danutpeddler
pengpengtot why joking because of 5k jao??
EMPTY1SEAT sry for the 7 thats not ok bros
frosty012 (TeamOnline) Can we agree to the ICM numbers or anything else, or should we just resume?
joaof09 5k is 5k bro
SWFAZ Backers $55 :S
EMPTY1SEAT icm iagree
Nutshuh? Icm agree
joaof09 i want 95k or lets go
pengpengtot 5k or 28k???
thanks_m8 everyone give 2k to me and its cool
SWFAZ 95k pfff
pengpengtot kk
EMPTY1SEAT ok lets play
SWFAZ i agree
pengpengtot i agree to icm
SWFAZ deal
SWFAZ cba headache
thanks_m8 u guys ok with that?
frosty012 (TeamOnline) Ok, empty says let’s play so we’ll be resuming…
pengpengtot were playing 15 hours guys
pengpengtot im ok with that
joaof09 no i want 95 k or lets go
SWFAZ deal
thanks_m8 ok whatever deal
SWFAZ ICM i agree
thanks_m8 icm
danutpeddler icm agree
thanks_m8 is fine
frosty012 (TeamOnline) EMPTY, you want to resume?
joaof09 95 k its fine
joaof09 yes
joaof09 ok
EMPTY1SEAT icm or lats play
pengpengtot icm!11
SWFAZ yes empty weve just agreed ICM
frosty012 (TeamOnline) joao, icm has you at $90k
joaof09 no i want 95k
pengpengtot no 95k for jao tho
frosty012 (TeamOnline) nobody has offered the extra 5
Nutshuh? Joao, its 5k, you might end up with 28
thanks_m8 ur the worst in this table
thanks_m8 joao
danutpeddler u won’t get it joao
EMPTY1SEAT i win 200K at this site ok
pengpengtot i have the same stack as u jao
EMPTY1SEAT i win 200K at this site ok
pengpengtot i have the same stack as u jao
SWFAZ Joaf the argument was over thanks_m8, come on you already got a $5k jump from the first offer to ICM so come on deal ffs
SWFAZ exactly
EMPTY1SEAT icm or play zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
frosty012 (TeamOnline) jaoa, icm or play?
frosty012 (TeamOnline) seems to be where we’re at
EMPTY1SEAT or i think about chip chop and want 10K more
thanks_m8 haha
SWFAZ dont empty please :( lol
pengpengtot cmon jao
EMPTY1SEAT jao bro ?
joaof09 i agree ok icm
SWFAZ i agree
joaof09 90k
pengpengtot i agree
Nutshuh? I agree
joaof09 i agree 90 k
danutpeddler i agree
danutpeddler well done
thanks_m8 i agree
pengpengtot gratz guys
frosty012 (TeamOnline) alright players, I’m going to re-post the ICM numbers one more time to make everything crystal clear
frosty012 (TeamOnline) please don’t type for a moment
HostPauloE (Administrator) thanks_m8:$135,470.94
HostPauloE (Administrator) EMPTY1SEAT:$119,850.19
HostPauloE (Administrator) SWFAZ:$110,825.64
HostPauloE (Administrator) pengpengtot:$92,920.95
HostPauloE (Administrator) joaof09:$90,727.71
HostPauloE (Administrator) Nutshuh?:$87,282.66
HostPauloE (Administrator) danutpeddler:$83,643.32
frosty012 (TeamOnline) If you agree to these numbers, type “I Agree”
SWFAZ yeah gg all, dunno about you guys but i need bed and im in work in 45mins :(
joaof09 i agree
pengpengtot i agree
SWFAZ i agree
danutpeddler i agree
thanks_m8 i agree
pengpengtot mee too badly
Nutshuh? I agree
joaof09 gg
frosty012 (TeamOnline) Congrats guys!!
frosty012 (TeamOnline) Looks like we have a deal
frosty012 (TeamOnline) We’ll be resuming shortly…again, there is no money left to play for…just pride ;)
Dieser Artikel erschien auf PokerOlymp am 29.04.2013.