Zu diesem Montag hat Full Tilt das MTT-Programm ein wenig umgekrempelt und hat ab sofort faktisch allen Turnieren eine Garantie verpasst.

Seit dem Relaunch werkelt Full Tilt schon an den Turnieren rum und passt fast wöchentlich den Turnierplan an. Zunächst wurden die meisten Multi-Entry-Turniere auf drei Teilnahmen beschränkt, dann wurden fast alle dieser Turniere in Re-Entry-Turniere umgewandelt. Der Grund dafür ist ein einfacher: Bei den Multi-Entry-Turnieren waren es vor allem die Regs, die sich mehrfach einkauften und die dementsprechend sehr häufig die vorderen Plätze unter sich ausmachten. Das ist zum einen nicht grade gut für die Ökonomie im System, zum anderen aber auch nachteilig für Vielspieler, da sie ihren strategischen Vorteil gegen andere erfahrene Spieler nur bedingt nutzen konnten.
Im Gegenzug wurden bei vielen Turnieren die Garantie-Summen gesenkt. Dies war auch ein Zugeständnis an das unter den Erwartungen gebliebene Spieleraufkommen. Nichtsdestominder boten viele Turniere teilweise sehr lukrative Overlays, die auch mit der jetzigen Neu-Strukturierung zum Teil erhalten bleiben dürften.
Full Tilt wirbt damit, dass sie mit dem neuen Schedule rund 25 Millionen Dollar pro Monat garantieren. Das Angebot wurde im Umfang zwar eingedampft, so dass sich Turnier-Grinder wohl auch auf anderen Seiten umsehen müssen, doch ist es nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis Full Tilt dieses Schedule wieder überarbeitet.
Mit dem neuen Schedule haben viele Turniere auch teilweise sehr unterhaltsame Namen bekommen. Eines der besten Turniere dürfte das “100%-Beef”-Turnier sein, welches zu nachwandelnder Stunde stattfindet:
Full Tilt MTT-Schedule
Zeiten sind in CET angegeben, ein d signalisiert, dass das Turnier täglich läuft, ansonsten sind die Wochentage verzeichnet.
Zeit | Variante | Name | Buy-In | GTD | |
Mo | 00:00 | NL Holdem | Turbo Multi-Hundo | $100+$9 | $50.000 |
d | 00:00 | NL Holdem | Turbo Hundo | $100+$9 | $15.000 |
d | 00:00 | NL Holdem | $1,500 Guarantee (Early Antes) | $5+$0,50 | $1.500 |
d | 00:20 | NL Holdem | $3,000 Guarantee (Rebuy) | $10+$1 | $3.000 |
d | 00:20 | NL Holdem | The $3.30 Kitchen Sink | $3,05+$0,25 | $2.500 |
d | 00:30 | PL Omaha Hi | $500 Guarantee (Rebuy, Rush) | $2+$0,20 | $500 |
d | 00:40 | NL Holdem | $200 Guarantee | $1+$0,10 | $200 |
d | 00:40 | NL Holdem | $2,000 Guarantee | $10,35+$0,65 | $2.000 |
d | 00:50 | NL Omaha Hi/Lo | $250 Guarantee | $5+$0,50 | $250 |
d | 01:00 | NL Holdem | Cubit | $2+$0,20 | $1.500 |
d | 01:00 | NL Holdem | Turbo Fiddy | $50+$5 | $2.500 |
d | 01:10 | PL Omaha Hi | A Little Triple Draw | $2+$0,20 | $100 |
d | 01:20 | NL Holdem | $4,000 Guarantee | $10+$1 | $4.000 |
d | 01:30 | PL Omaha Hi | $1,000 Super Turbo Guarantee | $24,50+$1,50 | $1.000 |
d | 01:40 | NL Holdem | $1,000 Guarantee (Rush) | $3+$0,30 | $1.000 |
d | 01:50 | FL Holdem | $300 Guarantee | $10+$1 | $300 |
d | 02:00 | NL Holdem | $200 Guarantee | $0,50+$0,05 | $200 |
d | 02:00 | NL Holdem | Nine Lives | $3+$0,30 | $2.000 |
d | 02:00 | NL Holdem | Forty Four On the Floor | $40+$4 | $4.000 |
d | 02:10 | PL HA | A Quick Laugh (HA) | $2+$0,20 | $100 |
d | 02:20 | NL Holdem | $750 Guarantee (Rebuy) | $1+$0,10 | $750 |
d | 02:20 | NL Holdem | $2,000 Guarantee (Rush) | $10+$1 | $2.000 |
d | 02:30 | PL Omaha Hi/Lo | $200 Guarantee | $3+$0,30 | $200 |
d | 02:40 | NL Holdem | $1,000 Guarantee | $10+$1 | $1.000 |
d | 02:40 | NL Holdem | $500 Guarantee | $2+$0,20 | $500 |
d | 02:50 | PL Omaha Hi | $250 Guarantee | $5+$0,50 | $250 |
d | 03:00 | NL Holdem | $1,000 Guarantee | $2+$0,20 | $1.000 |
d | 03:00 | NL Holdem | $4,000 Guarantee | $24+$2 | $4.000 |
d | 03:10 | PL Omaha Hi | $100 Guarantee (1r+1a) | $1+$0,10 | $100 |
d | 03:20 | NL Holdem | $100 Guarantee | $0,50+$0,05 | $100 |
d | 03:20 | NL Holdem | $750 Guarantee (KO) | $5+$0,50 | $750 |
d | 03:30 | PL Omaha Hi/Lo | The PLOw King | $10+$1 | $500 |
d | 03:40 | NL Holdem | $400 Guarantee (Rebuy) | $2+$0,20 | $400 |
d | 03:50 | FL 7-Stud | $150 Guarantee | $3+$0,30 | $150 |
d | 04:00 | NL Holdem | Five Hundy By Midnight | $1+$0,10 | $500 |
d | 04:00 | NL Holdem | $5,000 Guarantee (2x Chance) | $69+$6 | $5.000 |
d | 04:10 | PL Omaha Hi/Lo | $200 Guarantee | $2+$0,20 | $200 |
d | 04:20 | NL Holdem | $750 Guarantee | $3+$0,30 | $750 |
d | 04:30 | NL Omaha Hi/Lo | 100% Beef | $10+$1 | $250 |
d | 04:40 | NL Holdem | $400 Guarantee (KO, Rush) | $5,15+$0,35 | $400 |
d | 04:50 | PL Omaha Hi | $200 Guarantee (Rebuy) | $0,50+$0,05 | $200 |
d | 05:00 | NL Holdem | $1,000 Guarantee | $3+$0,30 | $1.000 |
d | 05:00 | NL Holdem | Late Fiddy | $50+$5 | $3.000 |
d | 05:10 | FL HORSE | $200 Guarantee | $5+$0,50 | $200 |
d | 05:20 | NL Holdem | $500 Guarantee (Rush) | $2+$0,20 | $500 |
d | 05:30 | NL Omaha Hi/Lo | Late Plate | $10+$1 | $250 |
d | 05:40 | NL Holdem | $250 Guarantee | $1+$0,10 | $250 |
d | 05:40 | NL Holdem | $1,000 Guarantee (Rebuy) | $10+$1 | $1.000 |
d | 05:50 | PL Omaha Hi | $300 Guarantee | $5,15+$0,35 | $300 |
d | 06:00 | NL Holdem | $150 Guarantee (Early Antes) | $0,50+$0,05 | $150 |
d | 06:00 | NL Holdem | Midnight Madness! | $10+$1 | $2.000 |
d | 06:00 | NL Holdem | Super Punch Out | $52+$3 | $2.500 |
d | 06:10 | PL Omaha Hi | A Little Razz | $1+$0,10 | $100 |
d | 06:20 | NL Holdem | $1,500 Guarantee (Rebuy, Rush) | $5+$0,50 | $1.500 |
d | 06:30 | PL Omaha Hi | $250 Guarantee | $3+$0,30 | $250 |
d | 06:40 | NL Holdem | $400 Guarantee | $1+$0,10 | $400 |
d | 06:50 | PL Omaha Hi/Lo | $200 Guarantee (Rebuy) | $2+$0,20 | $200 |
d | 07:00 | NL Holdem | $750 Guarantee | $2+$0,20 | $750 |
d | 07:20 | NL Holdem | $1,000 Guarantee (KO) | $3+$0,30 | $1.000 |
d | 07:30 | PL Omaha Hi | $300 Guarantee (KO) | $10,35+$0,65 | $300 |
Di | 07:35 | NL Holdem | $1.5K Super Turbo Knockout | $16+$1 | $1.500 |
d | 07:40 | NL Holdem | $200 Guarantee (Rebuy) | $0,50+$0,05 | $200 |
d | 07:50 | FL Omaha Hi/Lo | A Little Omaha H/L | $2+$0,20 | $100 |
d | 08:00 | NL Holdem | $2,000 Guarantee (Rush) | $10+$1 | $2.000 |
d | 08:10 | FL Razz | $250 Guarantee (Rebuy) | $1+$0,10 | $250 |
d | 08:20 | NL Holdem | Two For Two Twenty | $2+$0,20 | $400 |
d | 08:30 | NL 2-7 Single Draw | $500 Guarantee | $10+$1 | $500 |
d | 08:40 | NL Holdem | $100 Guarantee | $0,50+$0,05 | $100 |
d | 08:40 | NL Holdem | The $5.50 Kitchen Sink | $5,15+$0,35 | $1.000 |
d | 08:50 | FL Badugi | $200 Guarantee (Rebuy) | $1+$0,10 | $200 |
d | 09:00 | NL Holdem | The Phoenix | $24+$2 | $2.000 |
d | 09:00 | NL Holdem | $750 Guarantee | $3+$0,30 | $750 |
d | 09:10 | PL Omaha Hi/Lo | A Little Plate | $2+$0,20 | $100 |
d | 09:20 | NL Holdem | $500 Guarantee | $5+$0,50 | $500 |
d | 09:30 | NL 2-7 Single Draw | $100 Guarantee (1r+1a) | $0,50+$0,05 | $100 |
d | 09:40 | NL Holdem | $1,000 Guarantee | $10,35+$0,65 | $1.000 |
d | 09:40 | NL Holdem | $500 Guarantee | $2+$0,20 | $500 |
d | 09:50 | PL Omaha Hi | Tree Fiddy | $3,05+$0,25 | $350 |
d | 10:00 | NL Holdem | $1,000 Guarantee (3x Chance) | $5+$0,50 | $1.000 |
d | 10:00 | NL Holdem | $4,000 Guarantee | $50+$5 | $4.000 |
d | 10:10 | PL Omaha Hi/Lo | $300 Guarantee (Rebuy) | $2+$0,20 | $300 |
d | 10:20 | NL Holdem | $250 Guarantee (Rush) | $1+$0,10 | $250 |
d | 10:20 | NL Holdem | $750 Guarantee (KO) | $10+$1 | $750 |
d | 10:30 | PL Omaha Hi | $150 Guarantee | $3+$0,30 | $150 |
d | 10:40 | NL Holdem | $250 Guarantee | $5+$0,50 | $250 |
d | 10:50 | NL Omaha Hi/Lo | My Little Pony | $2+$0,20 | $100 |
d | 11:00 | NL Holdem | $5,000 Guarantee | $24+$2 | $5.000 |
d | 11:00 | NL Holdem | Aaaand It’s Gone | $3,05+$0,25 | $500 |
d | 11:10 | PL HA | $100 Guarantee (1r+1a) | $0,50+$0,05 | $100 |
d | 11:20 | NL Holdem | $400 Guarantee (Rebuy) | $2+$0,20 | $400 |
d | 11:30 | PL Omaha Hi | $500 Guarantee (Rush) | $5+$0,50 | $500 |
d | 11:40 | NL Holdem | $300 Guarantee | $1+$0,10 | $300 |
d | 11:50 | NL Omaha Hi/Lo | $200 Guarantee | $2+$0,20 | $200 |
d | 12:00 | NL Holdem | $2,000 Guarantee | $40+$4 | $2.000 |
d | 12:10 | FL Razz | $200 Guarantee (Rebuy) | $2+$0,20 | $200 |
d | 12:20 | NL Holdem | $600 Guarantee (1r+1a) | $1+$0,10 | $600 |
d | 12:20 | NL Holdem | $1,500 Guarantee | $10+$1 | $1.500 |
d | 12:30 | PL Omaha Hi | $100 Guarantee (Rebuy) | $0,50+$0,05 | $100 |
d | 12:40 | NL Holdem | $200 Guarantee | $3,05+$0,25 | $200 |
d | 12:50 | FL Omaha Hi/Lo | $100 Guarantee | $2+$0,20 | $100 |
Mo | 13:00 | NL Holdem | $6,000 Guarantee | $24+$2 | $6.000 |
d | 13:00 | NL Holdem | $250 Guarantee | $0,50+$0,05 | $250 |
d | 13:00 | NL Holdem | $6,000 Guarantee | $24+$2 | $100 |
d | 13:00 | NL Holdem | Honey Badger | $5+$0,50 | $1.500 |
d | 13:10 | PL Omaha Hi | $300 Guarantee (1r+1a) | $2+$0,20 | $300 |
d | 13:20 | NL Holdem | $5,000 Guarantee (Rebuy, Rush) | $3+$0,30 | $5.000 |
Mo | 13:35 | NL Holdem | $12,000 Rush Guar (Rebuy) | $2+$0,20 | $12.000 |
d | 13:40 | NL Holdem | European Lunch Break | $10,35+$0,65 | $1.000 |
Mo | 14:00 | NL Holdem | $3,000 Guarantee | $10+$1 | $3.000 |
Mo | 14:00 | NL Holdem | $1,500 Guarantee | $50+$5 | $1.500 |
d | 14:00 | NL Holdem | $1,000 Guarantee | $2+$0,20 | $1.000 |
d | 14:00 | NL Holdem | The Early Fiddy | $50+$5 | $2.500 |
d | 14:10 | PL Omaha Hi/Lo | $200 Guarantee | $3+$0,30 | $200 |
d | 14:20 | NL Holdem | $2,000 Guarantee | $10+$1 | $2.000 |
d | 14:20 | NL Holdem | $500 Guarantee (KO) | $3,05+$0,25 | $100 |
d | 14:30 | PL Omaha Hi/Lo | $750 Guarantee | $3+$0,30 | $750 |
d | 14:40 | NL Holdem | $500 Guarantee | $2+$0,20 | $500 |
d | 14:40 | NL Holdem | $2,500 Guarantee (Rebuy) | $5+$0,50 | $2.500 |
Mo | 14:45 | PL Omaha Hi | $750 Guarantee | $3+$0,30 | $750 |
d | 14:50 | NL Omaha Hi/Lo | $400 Guarantee | $5+$0,50 | $400 |
Mo | 15:00 | NL Holdem | $8,000 KO Guarantee | $24+$2 | $8.000 |
d | 15:00 | NL Holdem | Mama Said Knock You Out | $24+$2 | $8.000 |
d | 15:20 | NL Holdem | $3,000 Guarantee (Early Antes) | $10+$1 | $3.000 |
Mo | 15:30 | NL Holdem | Super Stack $4.5K Guarantee | $10+$1 | $4.500 |
d | 15:30 | PL Omaha Hi | $500 Guarantee | $5+$0,50 | $500 |
Mo | 15:35 | NL Holdem | $4K Rush Super Turbo KO | $16+$1 | $4.000 |
d | 15:40 | NL Holdem | $750 Guarantee (Rebuy) | $0,50+$0,05 | $750 |
d | 15:40 | NL Holdem | $1,500 Guarantee (Rush) | $10,35+$0,65 | $1.500 |
d | 15:50 | PL Omaha Hi | $100 Guarantee | $1+$0,10 | $100 |
d | 16:00 | NL Holdem | $1,000 Guarantee | $2+$0,20 | $500 |
d | 16:00 | NL Holdem | $8,000 Guarantee | $24+$2 | $8.000 |
d | 16:10 | PL Omaha Hi | $200 Guarantee (1r+1a) | $1+$0,10 | $200 |
Mo | 16:20 | NL Holdem | $4,000 KO Guarantee | $5+$0,50 | $4.000 |
d | 16:20 | NL Holdem | $4,000 Guarantee (Rebuy, Rush) | $5+$0,50 | $4.000 |
Mo | 16:30 | NL Holdem | $10,000 Rush Guar (Rebuy) | $10+$1 | $10.000 |
So | 16:30 | NL Holdem | The Sunday Brawl | $240+$16 | $200.000 |
d | 16:30 | NL Omaha Hi/Lo | $500 Guarantee (Rebuy) | $2+$0,20 | $500 |
Mo | 16:35 | NL Omaha Hi/Lo | $500 Guarantee (Rebuy) | $3+$0,30 | $500 |
d | 16:40 | NL Holdem | $2,500 Guarantee | $10+$1 | $2.500 |
d | 16:40 | NL Holdem | The $2.20 Kitchen Sink | $2+$0,20 | $1.500 |
d | 16:50 | NL 2-7 Triple Draw | A Little Badugi | $2+$0,20 | $100 |
Mo | 17:00 | NL Holdem | $5,000 Rush Guarantee | $10+$1 | $5.000 |
Mo | 17:00 | NL Holdem | $9,000 KO Guarantee | $70+$5 | $9.000 |
d | 17:00 | NL Holdem | Cubert | $3+$0,30 | $2.000 |
d | 17:00 | NL Holdem | $10,000 Guarantee | $69+$6 | $10.000 |
d | 17:10 | PL Omaha Hi | The Kofek | $1+$0,10 | $500 |
d | 17:20 | NL Holdem | Early Double – A | $5+$1 | $1.500 |
Mo | 17:22 | NL Holdem | Early Double – B | $5+$1 | $1.500 |
Mo | 17:30 | NL Holdem | $7,500 Guarantee (1r+1a) | $10+$1 | $7.500 |
Mo | 17:30 | NL Holdem | Early Double – A | $5+$1 | $1.500 |
d | 17:30 | NL Omaha Hi/Lo | The Green Plate Special | $10+$1 | $500 |
Di – Do | 17:32 | NL Holdem | Early Double – B | $5+$1 | $1.500 |
Mo | 17:35 | NL Holdem | $3,000 Guarantee (1r+1a) | $1+$0,10 | $3.000 |
d | 17:40 | NL Holdem | $1,000 Guarantee | $1+$0,10 | $1.000 |
Mo | 17:45 | PL Omaha Hi/Lo | $500 Guarantee | $24+$2 | $500 |
d | 17:50 | PL Omaha Hi/Lo | $150 Guarantee | $3+$0,30 | $150 |
So | 18:00 | NL Holdem | Big Ben | $100+$9 | $40.000 |
d | 18:00 | NL Holdem | High Noon | $10,35+$0,65 | $200 |
d | 18:00 | NL Holdem | The Benjamin | $100+$9 | $15.000 |
d | 18:00 | NL Holdem | The FiveR | $5+$0,50 | $5.000 |
d | 18:10 | PL Omaha Hi | $600 Guarantee (Rebuy) | $2+$0,20 | $600 |
d | 18:10 | NL Omaha Hi/Lo | $750 Guarantee | $24+$2 | $750 |
d | 18:20 | NL Holdem | $4,000 Guarantee (1r+1a, Rush) | $5+$0,50 | $4.000 |
So | 18:22 | NL Holdem | The $100K Double Deuce | $20+$2 | $100.000 |
Sa | 18:30 | NL Holdem | Big Plate | $100+$9 | $5.000 |
d | 18:30 | NL Omaha Hi/Lo | $250 Guarantee | $10+$1 | $250 |
d | 18:40 | NL Holdem | Quick Lunch Break | $5,15+$0,35 | $2.000 |
d | 18:50 | PL Omaha Hi | $500 Guarantee | $3+$0,30 | $500 |
d | 19:00 | NL Holdem | $750 Guarantee | $1+$0,10 | $750 |
d | 19:00 | NL Holdem | $12,000 Guarantee | $24+$2 | $12.000 |
d | 19:10 | NL 2-7 Triple Draw | Quick Draw | $1+$0,10 | $100 |
d | 19:10 | PL Omaha Hi/Lo | $1,000 Guarantee | $10+$1 | $1.000 |
d | 19:20 | NL Holdem | 1UP Tournament | $5+$0,50 | $4.000 |
So | 19:30 | NL Holdem | $350,000 Guarantee | $200+$16 | $350.000 |
d | 19:30 | PL Omaha Hi | A Little Razz | $2+$0,20 | $100 |
Sa | 19:30 | NL Omaha Hi/Lo | ExPLOsivo | $200+$16 | $15.000 |
d | 19:40 | NL Holdem | The $11 Kitchen Sink | $10,35+$0,65 | $2.000 |
d | 19:40 | NL Holdem | $500 Guarantee | $2+$0,20 | $500 |
d | 19:50 | PL Omaha Hi/Lo | $250 Guarantee | $3+$0,30 | $250 |
Mo | 20:00 | NL Holdem | $1K Monday | $1.000+$60 | $75.000 |
Di | 20:00 | NL Holdem | Two For Tuesday | $200+$16 | $30.000 |
Mi | 20:00 | NL Holdem | Wednesday Wiggle | $50+$5 | $15.000 |
Do | 20:00 | NL Holdem | Three For Thursday | $300+$22 | $30.000 |
Fr | 20:00 | NL Holdem | Friday Night Fight | $500+$35 | $30.000 |
Sa | 20:00 | NL Holdem | Saturday Six-Max | $300+$22 | $30.000 |
d | 20:00 | NL Holdem | The TenneR | $10+$1 | $10.000 |
d | 20:00 | NL Holdem | $2,500 Guarantee | $5+$0,50 | $2.500 |
d | 20:20 | NL Holdem | $500 Guarantee | $2+$0,20 | $500 |
d | 20:20 | NL Holdem | $1,000 Guarantee (Heads-Up) | $24+$2 | $1.000 |
Sa | 20:30 | NL Omaha Hi/Lo | $2,500 Guarantee | $100+$9 | $2.500 |
d | 20:30 | PL Omaha Hi/Lo | $2,000 Guarantee | $24+$2 | $2.000 |
d | 20:40 | NL Holdem | Super Extra Rebuy Frenzy | $1+$0,10 | $4.000 |
d | 20:50 | NL Omaha Hi/Lo | $500 Guarantee | $5+$0,50 | $500 |
So | 21:00 | NL Holdem | The T-Rex | $150+$13 | $75.000 |
So | 21:00 | NL Holdem | The Ceratops | $24+$2 | $30.000 |
So | 21:00 | NL Holdem | The Raptor | $3+$0,30 | $6.000 |
d | 21:00 | NL Holdem | Tyrannosaurus Rex | $150+$13 | $25.000 |
d | 21:00 | NL Holdem | Triceratops | $24+$2 | $15.000 |
d | 21:00 | NL Holdem | Velociraptor | $3+$0,30 | $3.000 |
d | 21:10 | PL Omaha Hi/Lo | $200 Guarantee | $2+$0,20 | $200 |
d | 21:20 | NL Holdem | $500 Guarantee | $1+$0,10 | $500 |
d | 21:20 | NL Holdem | Daily Double – A | $10+$2 | $2.000 |
Sa – Do | 21:22 | NL Holdem | Daily Double – B | $10+$2 | $2.000 |
So | 21:30 | NL Holdem | The Extra Multi-Fifty | $50+$5 | $50.000 |
d | 21:30 | NL Holdem | The Multi-Fifty | $50+$5 | $15.000 |
d | 21:40 | NL Holdem | $4,000 Guarantee (Rush) | $24+$2 | $4.000 |
d | 21:40 | NL Holdem | Bout Tree Fiddy | $3,05+$0,25 | $360 |
d | 21:50 | PL Omaha Hi/Lo | $500 Guarantee (2x Chance) | $10+$1 | $500 |
So | 22:00 | NL Holdem | The Sunday Mulligan | $200+$16 | $75.000 |
d | 22:00 | NL Holdem | Gleaming the Cube | $20+$2 | $7.500 |
Sa | 22:00 | NL Omaha Hi/Lo | Mount Rushmore | $200+$16 | $20.000 |
d | 22:10 | FL 7-Stud Hi/Lo | A Little Stud H/L | $2+$0,20 | $100 |
d | 22:20 | NL Holdem | Dude. Wait, what? | $1+$0,10 | $1.500 |
d | 22:20 | NL Holdem | $200 Guarantee (Heads-Up) | $5,15+$0,35 | $200 |
d | 22:30 | PL Omaha Hi | Mr. PLOw | $10+$1 | $1.000 |
d | 22:40 | NL Holdem | $3,000 Guarantee (KO) | $24+$2 | $3.000 |
d | 22:50 | PL Omaha Hi/Lo | $400 Guarantee (Rebuy, Rush) | $2+$0,20 | $400 |
So | 23:00 | NL Holdem | $75,000 Guarantee (Early Antes) | $600+$40 | $75.000 |
d | 23:00 | NL Holdem | Five By Five | $5+$0,50 | $2.500 |
d | 23:00 | NL Holdem | Rush Hour | $69+$6 | $5.000 |
d | 23:10 | PL Omaha Hi/Lo | $150 Guarantee | $3+$0,30 | $150 |
d | 23:20 | NL Holdem | Rushed SuTuRe | $2+$0,20 | $1.000 |
d | 23:20 | NL Holdem | Big Double – A | $21+$5 | $2.000 |
d | 23:22 | NL Holdem | Big Double – B | $21+$5 | $2.000 |
d | 23:30 | PL Omaha Hi/Lo | $150 Guarantee | $1+$0,10 | $150 |
d | 23:30 | NL Omaha Hi/Lo | $250 Guarantee | $5+$0,50 | $250 |
d | 23:35 | NL Holdem | $750 Guarantee (Rebuy) | $0+$0,10 | $750 |
d | 23:40 | NL Holdem | The $26 Kitchen Sink | $24,50+$1,50 | $3.000 |
d | 23:40 | NL Holdem | $500 Guarantee | $3+$0,30 | $500 |
d | 23:50 | FL Omaha Hi/Lo | $250 Guarantee | $5+$0,50 | $250 |
Das 1UP-Turnier
Eine kleine Besonderheit ist das 1UP-Turnier. Dies ist ein Multi-Entry-Turnier für ein Buy-In von $5.50. Garantiert werden $4.000, aber wem es gelingt, mehrere seiner Entries in die Geldränge zu manövrieren, erhält zusätzliche Preise. Sollte es einem Spieler gelingen, alle vier Entries bis zum Final-Table zu bringen, werden ganze 5.000 zusätzlich spendiert.
Dieser Artikel erschien auf PokerOlymp am 25.02.2013.