Brian Rast hat auf seiner Facebook-Seite ein interessantes Konzept vorgestellt: Zusammen mit Daniel Negreanu ist er auf die Idee gekommen, im Bellagio gleich zwei Mal in der Woche eintägige 10-Game-Turniere mit $25.000 Buy-in zu veranstalten.
Anspruchsvolle, teure 10-Game-Events jede Woche!

Am Montag und Dienstag, den 17. und 18. April 2017 gibt es die ersten Turniere, das normale Buy-in kostet $25.000 + $200, für Buy-ins nach dem Start werden $25.000 + $400 berechnet. Natürlich kann man sich nach dem Ausscheiden wieder einkaufen.
Man bekommt 80.000 Chips zum Start, gespielt wird 10 Game, sprich ein anspruchsvoller Mix aus H.O.R.S.E., das ja schon 5 Pokervarianten enthält und zusätzlich 2-7 TD, Badugi, NLHE, PLO und NL 2-7 SD.
Die Struktur ist laut Brian Rast so ausgestaltet, dass man zwar an einem Tag fertig wird, aber trotzdem vernünftig spielen kann. Mal sehen wie das Event bei den Spielern ankommt, hiervon hängt natürlich ab, ob und wie die Serie weitergeführt wird.
"Brilliant concept, congrats Brian!"
Auf Facebook wurde das Konzept mit Begeisterung aufgenommen, ein User schreibt zum Beispiel: "Brilliant concept, congrats Brian!"
Nicht nur bezogen auf das Buy-in sind diese Turniere aber definitiv nichts für Anfänger. Der komplizierte Variantenmix verlangt auch erfahrenen Spielern einiges ab.
Für gelangweilte Highroller, die nach den wöchentlichen Aria-Turnieren am Wochenende nach Action lechzen, aber genau das Richtige.
Auch das Railen wird Spaß machen, spannend wird vor allem das Abschneiden der deutschen Spieler. Letztes Jahr gewann "Wunderkind" Fedor Holz bekanntlich drei Aria-Highroller-Turniere innerhalb von 14 Tagen, eine irre Leistung.

Facebook-Ankündigung von Brian Rast im Original
Announcement for the poker world: A few weeks ago, I was playing with Daniel Negreanu in one of the Aria 25k High Rollers, and he brought up the idea of making a tournament series like the Aria NLHE ones but for Mixed Games. His idea was to model it off the big mix game in Bobby's Room. In other words it will be 10-game (HORSE, 2-7td, badugi, nlhe, plo, nl2-7sd), and the big bet games would all have an ante, and all be capped at approx. 40 big blinds (I believe in the tournament structure, they are all capped at exactly 10 big bets which is usually 40 big blinds but not always). I immediately recognized it as being a great idea, and that there would likely be enough interest in it to get it going and keep it going strong. It would also create a focal point for players to come to Vegas, play these tournaments, and maybe play cash before or after to get action in Vegas. It seemed pretty obvious that we should do the same thing, have 1-day 25k tournaments with rebuys, two days in a row. So those Aria tournaments played out (and I did alright)... and then it ended. And nothing happened for a week.
If you wait around for someone else to do the things you want, then nothing ever gets done - so I took the vision that Daniel and I had, and decided to make it a reality. I took the idea to the floor guys at Bellagio, who instantly saw the benefit for them and the room in getting a regular event like this going. I talked with a lot of them, and it seemed like Dallas ended up heading up the project. We hammered out the rake and the dates.
It's going to be on April 17th & 18th (monday/tuesday), and the rake is going to be $25,000 + $200 for any buyins that are on time, and $25,000 + $400 for any buyins after the tournament starts. (As a side note, this is very good rake as far as tournaments go. The room can still make decent money hosting a 1-day only tournament, yet players are playing for cheaper then just about any other tournaments. So this needs to be supported too!) After that got sorted, I spent a couple hours one night coming up with a blind structure. We're doing 80k starting chips, with 1500/3k limit & 30k cap on first level. There are repeat levels early on. (Incidentally, this is the limit the big game in Bobby's Room is played at most often!) Like the Aria structure that Cary came up with, my goal was to give as much play as possible while getting it over in 1 day. To give play in the beginning, but make even the first level meaningful. I believe I accomplished that, but of course as we play the tournaments, the structure will be open to tweaks, just as Cary did in the Aria 25ks (where ultimately he came up with about a good a 1-day structure as I've ever seen). For the levels I mostly ported over the WSOP 50k PPC levels, with only a few small changes to big bet antes I believe - so I have to give a shout out to Jack Craig Effel and the rest of the WSOP team as I'm sure a lot of hard work went in to that. Then I sat one night after playing cash and came up with payouts with Dallas as well. I had some goals for those as well, as well as mathematic purity as # of payouts rises.
In other words, I've put a lot of time and energy in to this - and I'm excited. I'm excited because I think there will be enough energy and interest in this to create a sustainable event that not only will create some positive action and energy in the mixed game tournament side of things, but will spill over in to cash games before, during, and after the tournament series.
Full structure to come out in next 3-6 days.
Let's goooo!!! Jaiyou!
Dieser Artikel erschien auf PokerOlymp am 04.04.2017.