Immer wieder Wirbel um Dan Cates. Jetzt soll der Amerikaner in einem Chat mit Noah Boeken indirekt mit der Entsendung eines Killers gedroht haben. Natürlich dürfen die Aussagen in solchen Chats generell nicht zu ernst genommen werden, dennoch waren die Railbirds alarmiert.
Was ist genau passiert?
Im Chat beschuldigte Dan Cates seinen Gegner Noah Boeken, er habe zusammen mit Patrik Antonius verbotenes Account-Sharing betrieben.
Daraufhin sagte Boeken den folgenden Satz: “Hauptsache, Du schickst mir zu Weihnachten keinen Hitman vorbei”.
Cates entgegnete, dass das mit dem Hitman schon verlockend sei, sagte dann aber unheimlich-kryptisch nichts von “dem Typen” zu wissen.
Der ominöse gemeinsame Bekannte
Anscheinend gab es mal einen gemeinsamen Bekannten bzw. einen Vorfall, der Boeken und Cates bekannt ist. Die genauen Umstände bleiben aber im Unklaren, hoffentlich gibt es bei diesem Rauch kein zugrunde liegendes Feuer.
Auf jeden Fall kann schwachen Gemütern bei einem solchen Gespräch schon mal ein Schauer über den Rücken laufen.Hier der betreffende Chat von
w00ki3z. said, “hey add me on skype and we can play later also”
Exclusive said, “rather not ull prolly hack me”
Exclusive said, “u and ur hacker friends”
Exclusive said, “and ur hitmans”
Exclusive said, “im scared”
w00ki3z. said, “i never hacked anyone”
w00ki3z. said, “im tempted to report you and push for my money back”
w00ki3z. said, “based on you saying that”
Exclusive said, “its all over the net”
Exclusive said, “that u cheat”
Exclusive said, “so stop accusin me”
w00ki3z. said, “ok bud”
w00ki3z. said, “say good bye to your account”
w00ki3z. said, “i report you to stars, and post on 2+2 that patrik maed me”
w00ki3z. said, “you can go f… yourself”
Exclusive said, “ya”
Exclusive said, “just dont sent me a hitman for christmas”
w00ki3z. said, “youre making it tempting”
Exclusive said, “guy wasnt even alone”
Exclusive said, “his whole family there”
Exclusive said, “ur sick”
w00ki3z. said, “oh that?”
w00ki3z. said, “i dont know anything about that guy”
Exclusive said, “ya u know notin”
w00ki3z. said, “f… you”
w00ki3z. said, “you think im shady and dangerous”
w00ki3z. said, “and you cheat me”
w00ki3z. said, “smart”
Exclusive said, “lol”
w00ki3z. said, “not cheat”
Exclusive said, “u make no sense”
w00ki3z. said, “wrong word”
w00ki3z. said, “makes perfect sense”
Exclusive said, “whenever u lose u just think people cheat”
Exclusive said, “haha”
w00ki3z. said, “you admitted patrik played”
Exclusive said, “u played so f… bad that day my sister woulda beat u”
Exclusive said, “patrik has his own account”
Exclusive said, “r u fcked”
Exclusive said, “u think i need people to use my account”
Exclusive said, “pathetic”
Exclusive said, “how u treat the fish”
Exclusive said, “be happy i come and donate”
w00ki3z. said, “youre the fish now?”
Exclusive said, “go check my records”
Exclusive said, “and then urs”
Exclusive said, “and then stfu”
w00ki3z. said, “if i thought you cheat me, i would be much meaner”
w00ki3z. said, “i cant think of right word”
Exclusive said, “so stop the nonsense”
w00ki3z. said, “never hacked anyone fyi”
w00ki3z. said, “i got hacked for like 400k”
Exclusive said, “ok and i never had anyone use my account”
w00ki3z. said, “by dif person”
Exclusive said, “so thats done”
w00ki3z. said, “you said you did?”
Exclusive said, “lol”
Exclusive said, “sarcasm”
Exclusive said, “if u had a brain u would udnerstand”
w00ki3z. said, “too bad”
w00ki3z. said, “youve got a definition of sarcasm”
w00ki3z. said, “thats new to the thinking world”
Dieser Artikel erschien auf PokerOlymp am 22.08.2014.