Wer immer schon mal gegen Isildur1 spielen wollte, aber nicht über das nötige Kleingeld verfügt, kann jetzt hoffen. In der neuen Promo “Blom 100” haben 100 Online-Spieler die Chance, praktisch ohne Einsatz gegen den Schweden anzutreten und um 1.000 Dollar zu spielen.
Blom 100
Vom 26. Oktober bis 4. November 2013 gibt es täglich zehn “Blom 100 Flip Freerolls”, in denen man sich für die Matches gegen den Superstar qualifizieren kann. Man tritt dann schon am gleichen Tag gegen Viktor “Isildur1” Blom an und spielt um 1.000 Dollar.
Für die Blom 100 Flip Freerolls gibt es vier Qualifikationsmöglichkeiten: Man zahlt 20 Dollar oder mehr bei Full Tilt ein. Man gewinnt ein beliebiges Sit ‘n’ Go Turnier mit mindestens sechs Spielern. Man casht in einem MTT. Außerdem gibt es noch 50 Tickets in täglichen Twitter-Competitions zu gewinnen.
» Bei Full Tilt anmelden gegen Blom antreten
Viktor Blom wird immer gleichzeitig gegen fünf Qualifikanten antreten und das jeweils um 21:00 und 21:30 Uhr Europäischer Zeit. Die Matches werden im Turbo No Limit Hold’em Format absolviert, es gibt einen Startstack von 1.500 Chips.
Twitter-User fragen – Viktor Blom antwortet
Anlässlich der Promo hat Isildur1, der online fast täglich hunderttausende Dollars umsetzt, Fragen von neugierigen Fans auf Twitter beantwortet:
@FunkDrDoobz75: what’s blom’s current bank roll at & what does he spend all his money on besides poker?
Viktor Blom: Nice dinners and going out with my friends.
@shipit13: would you flip a coin for 1 million dollars if I gave you 2/1? ?
VB: Maybe I’d consider it for a gamble. :)
@pretty7king: Does Viktor Blom use any poker software? ?
VB: No software. Tried it once but didn’t like it.
@vy_cma01: who is your favourite tennis player? What’s your favorite soccer team? Did you play competitively? ?
VB: Andy Roddick, Chelsea, Yes, since I was young. Still play once in a while.
@rvn_10: what do you usually do after a huge win? And huge loss? ?
VB: Nothing special.
@SchmidtSting: what was the first thing he did / bought when he first had his huge heater on full tilt? ?
VB: It went so quick I don’t even remember.
@150K: Why do you play the way you play at @FullTiltPoker. Up And down all the time and how do you feel after a big win and loss? ?
VB: I just try to think about whether or not I played well in the session
@Michael_Burlacu: do you enjoy the fame that isildur1 has brought you? ?
VB: I never think about it that way, so I don’t feel any different.
@Highstakesdb: WCGRider recently referred to you as a megawhale – are you going to teach the guy a lesson anytime soon? ?
VB: Maybe I will have to teach him a lesson ;)
@BenAlvarado: Do you have any interest on playing in the “big Macau cash games”??
VB: Not at the moment. I’m working on my online game now.
@Jameserikalford: what’s your favourite thing about London? ?
VB: There’s always so much to do, good food, football, and good people too.
@Justinrklein: after the match with brian hastings how long did it take to build a BR back up? how much did you learn? ?
VB: I feel like I’ve never fully recovered from that. I learned that I don’t like Brian Hastings that much :)
@biursf23: What is your favourite way of spending your money? Cars, houses, food?:) ?
VB: Food, but it might be a different answer if I had a licence. Working on it ;)
@Valentiiiin_: The best advice you can give? ?
VB: Start playing small SNGs and big field very low stakes tourneys, and be aggressive, but be smart about it.
@Thebman69: Do you chat at all with @GusHansen or others you play with? ?
VB: A little chat, a little trash talk, yes.
@shonix26: Why do you play? What is your main goal in life? ?
VB: I play everything. Main goal in life is to be happy.
@Sidouu71: Do you care about money when you play poker? Or do you consider money like “bonus points” in a game? ?
VB: I think it’s a mix of both. It has definitely felt like it wasn’t real at times.
@amankiashan: how much Money you have in your br ? that you can afford to lose millions and win millions back?
VB: Minus 500 gbp ;)
@ACM_92: what did it feel like knowing your fellow players shared information with each other to try and beat you? ?
VB: It didn’t really feel that great to be honest.
@bernacke: Have you ever smashed a mouse while playing? ?
VB: Yes, it happened a few times… okay maybe more than a few :)
Dieser Artikel erschien auf PokerOlymp am 25.10.2013.