Gestern lief auf PokerStars die Mega-Ausgabe der Sunday Million mit satten 5.000.000 Dollar garantiertem Preisgeld. Insgesamt machten 26.925 Spieler mit und der Preispool kletterte auf 5.385.000 Dollar.

Student mit 70.000 Schulden
Gewonnen hat letztlich sincinaty118 aus Irland für satte 421.971 Dollar. Die letzten fünf Spieler handelten einen Deal aus, bei dem vor allem der Backround des deutschen Spielers elastobert auffiel.
Elastobert betonte, dass er als Student über 70.000 Euro Schulden habe und dieses Turnier ihn quasi retten würde: “dire straits times ended with sunday million”. Auch in einer Band scheint elastobert zu spielen: “this will also fund the new german prog rock revolution”.
Im Laufe der Verhandlungen scheint elastobert irgendwann alles mehr oder weniger egal zu sein: “I don’t care anymore”. Nach Abschluss des Deals zeigt er sich dann überglücklich: “mom, dad, brothers, sisters, friends and fellows, thanks for never losing faith in me! That was all I ever needed… Peace and love to you and everyone”.
Sehr abgefahren und sehr sympathisch. Wer möchte, kann sich die kompletten Dealverhandlungen unten im Artikel durchlesen.
Weitere Erfolge der deutschsprachigen Spieler
Am Ende kassierte elastobert als Fünfter 240.595 Dollar, was seine finanziellen Sorgen in jedem Fall schlagartig beenden dürfte. Er hat damit mehr Geld als der Dritte und sogar der Vierte. Vor allem der Preissprung auf Platz 6 war gewaltig: Alfons777999 aus Russland bekam gerade mal 80.775 Dollar.
Auch Platz 8 ging in deutsche Lande. Socke2506 schnappte sich 40.387 Dollar und war damit einen Platz vor dem Österreicher zet1981, der für Platz 9 immerhin noch 26.925 Dollar kassierte. Ganz herzlichen Glückwunsch an alle Beteiligten!
Sunday Million $5.000.000 – 8. Dezember 2013
26.925 Spieler, $5.385.000 Preispool, $215 Buy-in
1 | sincinaty118 (Ireland) | $421.971 |
2 | FLasHBa3k (Israel) | $261.359 |
3 | dadoferal (Montenegro) | $230.028 |
4 | bdklizm (Norway) | $229.450 |
5 | elastobert (Germany) | $240.595 |
6 | Alfons777999 (Russia) | $80.775 |
7 | Mr.Hazard70 (Finland) | $53.850 |
8 | socke2506 (Germany) | $40.387 |
9 | zet1981 (Austria) | $26.925 |
Sunday Million $5.000.000 – Dealverhandlungen der letzten 5 Spieler
elastobert: this will also fund the new german prog rock revolution
sincinaty118: good man lads
elastobert: this finishes some chaotic rockn roll history story
elastobert: dire straits times ended with sunday million
elastobert: check out the LP will be released on 01-10-14 by POLIS and is called SEIN
elastobert: hey folks do we deal?
dadoferal: yes
dadoferal: wait
FLasHBa3k: yes sure
FLasHBa3k: but lets see the numbers
dadoferal: they need to calculate
elastobert: who wants to be provided numbers?
elastobert: okay
FLasHBa3k: its all abut numbers
elastobert: hey FLasH thanks my new heartbeat record btw
FLasHBa3k: so in here
xflixx (TeamOnline): Ok sorry for the delay guys
xflixx (TeamOnline): here are the chip chop numbers
elastobert: i’ll totally blog this… sadcooper com xD gotta set it up first
elastobert: I’m quite happy to be honest
Administrator: The tournament has been paused to allow discussion of deal.
HostMickP (Administrator): sincinaty118:$387,968.18
HostMickP (Administrator): FLasHBa3k:$262,063.17
HostMickP (Administrator): elastobert:$231,461.91
HostMickP (Administrator): dadoferal:$210,793.51
HostMickP (Administrator): bdklizm:$191,119.73
HostMickP (Administrator): Left To Play for place 1: $100,000.00
xflixx (TeamOnline): If you agree, type “I agree”
FLasHBa3k: lets make it 50,000 to 2nd place and 75,000 to 1st
bdklizm: no can do.. 230k or lets play!
FLasHBa3k: what u say pople?
dadoferal: can we see ICM
sincinaty118: ill deal at 400k guys
xflixx (TeamOnline): Ok, here are ICM numbers
FLasHBa3k: we want 300k
FLasHBa3k: dont be greddy people
HostMickP (Administrator): sincinaty118:$319,971.88
HostMickP (Administrator): FLasHBa3k:$270,359.81
HostMickP (Administrator): elastobert:$249,595.50
HostMickP (Administrator): dadoferal:$232,028.85
HostMickP (Administrator): bdklizm:$211,450.46
HostMickP (Administrator): Left To Play for place 1: $100,000.00
elastobert: I don’t care anymore
sincinaty118: final, am the only winner player here, therefore deserve the extra
xflixx (TeamOnline): If you agree, type “I agree”
sincinaty118: dats final
elastobert: but these numbers will do with me gentlemen
dadoferal: this looks much better
FLasHBa3k: we can take a deal with a 300k
bdklizm: still 230k for me or no deal.. no discussion!
dadoferal: you get 211k and 100k for first
sincinaty118: not giving anythin up lads
sincinaty118: need 400k, hav hugse lead
sincinaty118: chip chop is fair i guess
elastobert: that’s the point about complex calcs
bdklizm: lets go
bdklizm: play
dadoferal: ICM is fair
elastobert: they do make sense
FLasHBa3k: play
elastobert: you’ll win the extra anyway dude
sincinaty118: wats left to play for??
FLasHBa3k: icm is fair
dadoferal: 100k left
elastobert: I say ICM and play for 100k
bdklizm: i say lets play
bdklizm: gogo
sincinaty118: moderator wats left to play for???
sincinaty118: ??
dadoferal: bdklizm its big dif btw 134k and 211k
xflixx (TeamOnline): 100k left to play for
bdklizm: and i should care why ?
bdklizm: lets go
sincinaty118: didnt realise 100k
FLasHBa3k: lets give to the smallest one another 7500k from any player
dadoferal: if we make deal we continue play and winner take 100k more
bdklizm: icm numbers: i want 230k or we play. ok?
elastobert: guys
dadoferal: not 7500 its 4500
elastobert: think not from your own but from your kids
sincinaty118: elastobert if u give me 9k nd dadof gives me 2k ill take icm with that
sincinaty118: therefore i get 330k nd we play for de rest
xflixx (TeamOnline): We are going to resume play shortly guys
sincinaty118: thats fair
elastobert: yeah alright
elastobert: sure
sincinaty118: dadof??
dadoferal: yes
sincinaty118: will u give up 2
dadoferal: ok
sincinaty118: ok mod can we see revised numbers with icm please
elastobert: yeah numbers
xflixx (TeamOnline): ok give us a moment
sincinaty118: 9 from elas nd 2 from dado
elastobert: okay lets see reviewed numbers please
HostMickP (Administrator): sincinaty118:$319,971.88
HostMickP (Administrator): FLasHBa3k:$270,359.81
HostMickP (Administrator): elastobert:$249,595.50
HostMickP (Administrator): dadoferal:$232,028.85
HostMickP (Administrator): bdklizm:$211,450.46
HostMickP (Administrator): Left To Play for place 1: $100,000.00
xflixx (TeamOnline): Here we go
xflixx (TeamOnline): If you agree, type “I agree”
FLasHBa3k: its fair
dadoferal: I agreed
sincinaty118: lol, 9 from elas nd 2 from dado
sincinaty118: pay attention mod
bdklizm: ok last time.. 230 or we play on! how hard is that to understand ?
FLasHBa3k: i agree
elastobert: i agree too
sincinaty118: revise numbers again nd
xflixx (TeamOnline): Fixed numbers are coming
FLasHBa3k: i can give u a 220,000
FLasHBa3k: and the estimated value will be token from all players
dadoferal: that would be fair
FLasHBa3k: u want bdklzm?
elastobert: quite hard to use the term “fair” here as the next hand dealt could change everything for worse
bdklizm: 230
elastobert: and you know it !
dadoferal: ok
sincinaty118: hes givin u 9
xflixx (TeamOnline): Revised numbers are coming
HostMickP (Administrator): sincinaty118:$330,000.00
HostMickP (Administrator): FLasHBa3k:$270,359.81
HostMickP (Administrator): elastobert:$240,595.50
HostMickP (Administrator): dadoferal:$231,000.73
HostMickP (Administrator): bdklizm:$211,450.46
HostMickP (Administrator): Left To Play for place 1: $100,000.00
FLasHBa3k: i agree
bdklizm: o m g.
dadoferal: i agree
xflixx (TeamOnline): If you agree, type “I agree”
bdklizm: really?
sincinaty118: nd give bdkl 9 from flashba
bdklizm: REALLY?
bdklizm: lets go
bdklizm: play
bdklizm: 230ffs
FLasHBa3k: lets go play. u dont want to make a deal bdklizm? its only 9k?
xflixx (TeamOnline): Not everyone agrees, so we will resume play shortly
sincinaty118: u can hav my 9 from alasto so,,,its been way 2 long
sincinaty118: k
elastobert: i agree
FLasHBa3k: i agree
sincinaty118: that fair bd
dadoferal: me too
sincinaty118: u get 9 from flash nd 9 from elasto
sincinaty118: nd i get 2 from dado
elastobert: we love you man
FLasHBa3k: no 9k only form me
dadoferal: is that good for you bdklizm
dadoferal: that is 229k
sincinaty118: haha
bdklizm: ok ill settle for 229
bdklizm: close but its ok
sincinaty118: k, revised numbers please
sincinaty118: lol
xflixx (TeamOnline): Coming, give us a moment
xflixx (TeamOnline): Just another minute
xflixx (TeamOnline): Here we go
HostMickP (Administrator): sincinaty118:$321,971.88
HostMickP (Administrator): FLasHBa3k:$261,359.81
HostMickP (Administrator): elastobert:$240,595.50
HostMickP (Administrator): dadoferal:$230,028.85
HostMickP (Administrator): bdklizm:$229,450.46
HostMickP (Administrator): Left To Play for place 1: $100,000.00
elastobert: mom, dad, brothers, sisters, friends and fellows, thanks for never losing faith in me! That was all I ever needed… Peace and love to you and everyone
elastobert: yeah deal
FLasHBa3k: deal
elastobert: finally
sincinaty118: i agree
dadoferal: i agree
elastobert: I agree
bdklizm: i agree
FLasHBa3k: asi shabtai is the master!
dadoferal: flash?
FLasHBa3k: i agree
FLasHBa3k: for sure
dadoferal: ok
elastobert: fine!
sincinaty118: good man lads
xflixx (TeamOnline): sooo, thats a deal I guess?
dadoferal: gg guys finally deal
xflixx (TeamOnline): It’s a deal!
xflixx (TeamOnline): Congrats everyone!
xflixx (TeamOnline): Play will resume shortly
Dieser Artikel erschien auf PokerOlymp am 09.12.2013.